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Once the barista called mine and Lucas's name, I took the two drinks and headed back into my mom's car. I'd have my own car by now but we're a little short on money. It was a little upsetting but I understand why so I just accepted it.

     I put the drinks in the cupholders and checked the time before heading to the nearby park. This town was small and everything was close so it was really convenient considering I had to be there in fifteen minutes. Luckily it was only a five minute drive.

     On the way there, I blasted Don't Stop by 5 Seconds of Summer. I didn't understand how people didn't like the song— it was a masterpiece. I huffed in annoyance when I got a text on the phone. Texting while driving is very bad and leads to car crashes, but it's just so tempting to check. But I'm not like that so I ignored it and yelled the lyrics to Don't Stop.

When I arrived, the first thing I did was check my phone. There was a text message from Lily and that's when it hit me that we never hung out often anymore. We used to be with each other every second of the day but now we weren't.

lily: hi! we haven't hung out in forever so do u wanna have a girl's night at my house? i'll prepare snacks and everything! my parents aren't gonna be here tonight

me: ahh i'm so sorry! are you sure though? because i'm a little sick and i don't want you to get sick

lily: i'm flattered by ur concern but i don't care (: i just wanna hang out with u

me: whatever u say boo

lily: so 6 pm tonight?

me: yeah. hey i gotta go now, i'll catch up with you later. i love you xo

I put my phone in my pocket with a happy smile on my face and headed toward the park with the two drinks. I honestly was going to wait for Lucas to drink my refresher but the temptation was too strong, so I only took a few sips.

     There were only a few people at the park and some kids on the playground but it was probably because it was so early in the morning. Or because of the fact that it was a Thursday and there was no school break.

I shrugged to myself before feeling two hands come down on my body with a lot of pressure.

"Boo!" the familiar voice rang through my head and I turned around to see Lucas. His eyes widened and he threw his hands up, "Please don't kick me in the balls!"

I laughed and urged him to sit down next to me. I stared at him for a moment. He was wearing a black sweatshirt with gray sweatpants. His hair was an absolute mess and he wore his glasses but I could still see the bags under his eyes.

Yet even though he looked like a mess, he was still handsome.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Lucas told me with a small smirk, making my face turn red. Even though he was being narcissistic as always, I could hear the tiredness in his voice.

     "That's the second time you've told me that," I replied and rolled my eyes at him.

     "Well, you never did the first time," he responded and shrugged.

     I suddenly remembered the drinks that I got and grinned to myself, saying, "I got you a drink."

     "Oh?" he said in confusion. I handed him the drink that I didn't even know what it had inside and saw his smile turn even bigger.

     "It's from the coffee shop! And it's my favorite drink!" he exclaimed and quickly took a sip out of it, then said, "amazing as always."

     I laughed at his enthusiasm, telling him, "I just told the barista to get her a random drink. I was a bit worried you wouldn't like it."

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