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"God fucking damnit!" Lucas yelled, anger crossing his face. Jackson squeezed his eyes shut with his jaw clenched.

I knew from the moment Jackson had befriended Natalia that it wasn't going to be any good. But I trusted Jackson and his decisions— I really did. I still do.

I didn't know how to react to the situation. To know that one of the popular people from school was running the Instagram account. A girl that Jackson genuinely trusted. It made me insane to think about that.

Lucas closed his eyes, leaning against the wall of Jackson's room and trying to calm down. As Jackson and Ashton talked about what to do next, I walked over to where Lucas was. I understood that he was mad, but why was he this mad? Did Natalia do something to him like this before?

I gently put my hand on one of his arms, which were crossed over his chest. He tensed up before calming down and looking me in the eye. I felt the urge to turn away because of the angry look in his eyes, even though it wasn't directed at me. His eyes softened and he intertwined his hand into mine.

"Natalia is a manipulative person, pretending to be nice and then cutting them down after she's had her fun. She has people's secrets— she even has mine," Lucas told me and paused before continuing again, "she's the one who got me popular in the beginning. The funny part is that she has a secret of her own."

Lucas started to snicker a little. I waited for him to continue. He told me, "I have her secret and she has mine. I trusted her until I saw what she did. She's not a good person, even if she seems like it on the surface. Literally the spawn of Satan."

"So what? You have her secret and she has yours?" I asked, not understanding.

"My secret would ruin my reputation at school. Hers would as well, but she told me she had another secret of mine. She said that if I did anything she wouldn't like, she'd expose both of them. I didn't want to risk it."

     I wanted to ask him what those secrets were, but I didn't know if he wanted to tell them to me or not. Or maybe I didn't want to know them.

     "Is this gonna be Twilight all over again? You're secretly a vegetarian vampire who can't read my mind and stalks me in my sleep, aren't you?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. To my relief, Lucas laughed a little to the horrible joke.

     "Listen, if she tries to befriend you, don't let her. She's not a good person," Lucas warned me, looking me straight in the eyes. I nodded without saying a word.

     "What are your secrets?" I asked impulsively, immediately regretting it afterwards. No going back now, I guess.

     Lucas averted his face away from me. "I don't want you to think differently of me," he murmured quietly, almost inaudible.

     "I won't. Hey, look at me," I said softly, gently moving his head to look at me. "Whatever it is, I will be by your side. Okay?"

     He reluctantly mumbled something under his breath— something I couldn't hear. I had a confused look on my face but he just shrugged it off. He mouthed "nothing" and stared at the bedroom wall.

I sighed, not wanting to pressure him into telling me. It's his privacy and I'll respect it. He took out his phone as I walked away from him, texting Lily.

We were tempted to tell her parents about her self harming, but we decided against it because it would probably only make the situation worse, especially with them fighting all the time. Still, even though she said she was fine and at her house watching Netflix, I couldn't help but be concerned for her.

Jackson, now Lily. And to think it was all made by Natalia, the one who Jackson blindly trusted. Then the realization hit me hard.

"She's doing this to get Lucas back," I said aloud. Lucas turned his head toward me with shock.

     "But why?" he asked, looking up at the ceiling.

"Why else? You're good for her reputation. Good looking, funny, athletic. Literally the most cliché popular boy I have ever met," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"She doesn't even like me."

"She doesn't have to, she just wants the highest status in the school. You give her that."

"I like you," Lucas murmured almost inaudibly.

"She doesn't care."

"So if I go back to Natalia, she'll stop," Lucas said, glancing over the two boys then staring at me. "I don't want to leave you. We just got together!"

Lucas tugged at his hair in frustration and his jaw was clenched and said calmly, "But I'm hurting you guys."

Today was Sunday. Who knows what Monday had in store for us. My head hurt from the thought. Receiving sympathy from the entire school would be more than a miracle and I doubt that would happen. I think I'm going to skip, even though my mother would kill me. It didn't matter at this point— Lily and Jackson need me. I need them.

     I heard a beep from Lucas's phone and he glanced at me before looking at the notification. At first there was silence, then there was only a sigh. It was full of sorrow,  frustration, and sadness.

     "Natalia wants to meet up with me tomorrow," Lucas informed us all, looking down at his phone. Was he ashamed to look up at us? "I'm going to go."

     "Are you sure you want to? Is this really the right thing to do? You aren't hurting us, Lucas," I said, trying to change his mind. I didn't want him to leave. He wasn't at fault— Natalia was.

     "We all know I am. If it weren't for me, Natalia wouldn't be doing this. I don't want to be the cause of you guys' pain," he said, walking out of the room before anyone could say anything back to him.

     He already made his mind up and now he's going to leave. I stared at the spot where Lucas was just a moment ago without saying a word or moving a muscle.

     "Are you okay, Kylie?" Jackson asked with Ashton next to him. I looked over to them for a moment. They were together throughout this entire mess.

     "I'm fine, don't worry about me," I replied with a small forced smile. I walked out of the bedroom, part of me hoping Lucas was there, the other part feeling bitter about the fact that he was leaving.

     I hated him, so why am I feeling this way? It shouldn't matter to me.

     My mind flashed back to the moment where Lucas asked me to be his girlfriend with that stupid ring pop on that stupid cliff that had the most beautifully stupid view. I felt bitter. What if it was just an excuse to leave? Did he not like me?

     Thoughts flooded my mind and it was soon an ocean full of what if's and why's. He wasn't hurting us, that was a fact. I felt something wet slide down my cheek slowly before more of them came nonstop.

     He didn't really love me at all, did he?


im so sorry lmao i really didn't think this chapter would turn out like this. i said i was discontinuing it but i saw replies to keep on going and it made me get a little more motivation, so thank you.

qotd: how do you feel about valentines day?

aotd: i dont mind it. its not as big of a deal as people make it out to be though

should i keep on going with this book? also, happy valentines day eve

stay beautiful, stay handsome, stay u.

- aspen

p.s. i'll upload the next chapter once this story reaches 1k votes :)


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