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     I tapped my foot against the floor a little vigorously because of my horrible trait of being impatient. I definitely got that from my mother. But in my defense, the line was longer than my life span.

     "Everyone's so slow," I whined and crossed my arms over my chest.

     "We can go slow when we have se-" Lucas commented while wiggling his eyebrows before I cut him off.

     "There are children here, Lucas!" I exclaimed and facepalmed. "And I'm engaged to my bed!"

     "You won't be when we completely destroy your bed when we're having s-" Lucas wiggled his eyebrows more before I smacked my hand against his lips. It wasn't one of my best ideas that I've ever made in my life.

     Because he licked my hand.

     I pulled my hand away and wiped it against his shirt in disgust. "You are so freaking gross."

     "Potty words!" He chirped and I glared at him in annoyance. "There are children here, babe."

     "First of all, don't call me babe. Second of all, you're the one talking about s-" I was cut off by his index finger landing on my lip.

     "Children are here, babe," he commented and I swear at that very moment I could see red. I was beyond livid at him.

     I grabbed his finger and bent it backwards. "Mercy! I'm sorry, I love you! I'll get you another ice cream if you let go!" he exclaimed hurriedly, crouching down and trying to pull his finger away from me.

     I let go of his finger and smiled brightly at him. There were no doubt people staring at us judgmentally and most likely thinking we were lunatics. I think so too.

     "Okay, thanks," I chirped and hugged him.

     "You'll be this happy when I smash y-" I cut him off by hitting his arm before he could inappropriately comment in front of children who were too innocent. Well, I hope they're innocent because I won't blame them if they aren't. After all, we're living in a world where drinking bleach is a meme.

     We were soon up to the cashier after a lot of annoyed glares and glances from parents. I sheepishly grinned at all of them with an apologetic look on my face because Lucas is an inappropriate loser.

     "Would you like a receipt?" the cashier asked and I shook my head at the same time Lucas nodded his. Why does he need a receipt?That's one whole extra item to carry. Who even looks at the receipt anyways?

     The girl around the age of 20 smiled at Lucas, leaving me offended at the fact that she didn't smile at me. That isn't very nice of her. Lucas received the receipt despite the fact that I shook my head no.

     Once we arrived back at Lucas's car, the boy chuckled, making me confused. "What?" I asked, looking weirdly at him.

     "She gave me her phone number. No wonder she was being overly nice," Lucas snorted as he looked at the receipt with an amused look etched onto his face. Jealousy filled my veins and I had no clue as to why. I didn't like him and it shouldn't matter who he dates. He continued, "Awe, don't look so jealous. We can still be together if you wa-"

     He didn't get to finish his sentence due to my fist coming in contact with his gut. I glared at him and he put his hands up in surrender. I rolled my eyes and got the medication and water out of the Kroger bag then swallowed two of the pills.

     "Someone's on her period," I heard Lucas mutter.

     I flicked his arm, making him pout. "Just so you know, I'm not going to call her. I'm all yours, babe," he reassured me playfully with a wink.

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