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After that, the time left in this odd day went by pretty fast, even though I did literally nothing eventful. Soon, I was brushing my teeth and throwing on a pair of pajamas. They were a plaid print and were also red and black. It wasn't really my style, but it looked kind of cute and I begged my mom to get it. So here I am now.

I drowsily plopped down into my bed after taking my glasses off and almost instantly felt myself being surrounded by darkness. I found myself drifting off into my own little world not even a few minutes after that.

✄ ——————————————————————

My phone rang quite loudly and the Pizza Song by 5 Seconds of Summer was practically blaring in my ears. I rolled over lazily and turned the alarm off, yawning to myself and wanting to go back to my peaceful sleep.

     After singing a lot of random songs in the shower, peeing, putting on clothes, and eating breakfast, I was finally out of the door. I checked my watch, seeing only had ten minutes. Luckily my house was a few minutes away from the school, but I also had to get all of my stuff and talk to Lily about what had happened yesterday.

     I shrugged to myself. I'll just tell her at lunch, which was Jackson free. I glared at the thought and huffed. Jackson was our friend since forever and he just abandons us like that. It was rude but maybe he always wanted to join the popular people. I may stereotype people a lot, but I knew for a fact that the Populars were a bunch of egotistical and immature kids that didn't have any knowledge.

     Just kidding, that may just be Lucas.

     I thought about how Lily had a small crush on Damon, who I didn't really know very well. I also thought about Natalia and how she basically stole Jackson away from Lily and me, so therefore the is evil. But then again, what if she actually needed help and started to favor Jackson so she invited him over? I shrugged to myself and shook my head after my brain started to hurt from all of the thinking I was doing.

     I started to run towards to school, not really in the mood to be late for school. I felt a sneeze fill up in my nose and I groaned once it never came. My head was slightly throbbing as well and I didn't know if it was from the running I just started doing or the cold I had to deal with. Either way, I just despised the small headache.

     Once I arrived to the stupid "prison," I was panting profusely with an aching side. Much to my dismay, I saw Jackson hanging out with the popular group again when I walked into the twelfth grade hallway. I rolled my eyes at him, though I knew he couldn't see it. Lily was at her locker. Alone. Which was starting to become normal, considering Jackson never hung out with us anymore.

I walked to my locker, greeting Lily happily. She greeted me back with a small smile and waited for me to get my stuff. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion because she was usually overly hyper. Maybe she was just tired or upset over the fact that Jackson wasn't with us anymore. I knew I was.

     I decided to just ask Lily at lunch and catch her up on the things that had happened with Lucas. I shot her a worried glance but she just gave me a timid smile in response and walked to class with me.

     When lunch rolled by, I found myself glaring once again at the blonde boy who ditched us. Except this time, he noticed and gave me a guilty look. No, he didn't try to even sit with us. He just stared at me with the same look for a few seconds before turning around and sitting with the a group of popular people.

To say I was angry would be an understatement. I was livid at the fact that Jackson didn't even care about us and I doubt he even felt guilty at this point. All he wanted was to get let off the hook, I bet. Yet I still had a little hope, even if he was smiling at whatever Natalia was telling him and casually talking to her. I was feeling many things at this point; angry, betrayed, hurt, and a little sad as well.

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