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     I fought back the urge to rip him to pieces like a small, vulnerable piece of paper. There Lucas was, in front of me with an amused look etched on his annoying face.

It had been half an hour of me constantly having to repeat what I had previously said after teaching him how to do each problem. Either he was playing dumb or he really was that stupid.

"You're cute when you're mad," Lucas said out of the blue, making me glare at him.

"You're annoying when you exist," I replied smugly.

"This is boring. I'm going to take you to my favorite place in this stupid place," he said, completely ignoring my insult.

I shook my head, "I don't think so. What if you're planning to murder me? What if you have a knife somewhere near you and you're going to stab me to death? Promise me you won't try to harm me!"

He rolled his eyes and said, "I promise I won't try to murder you. Now come on, trust me."

"I said harm. Harm does not mean murder. Harm means any injury inflicted onto my body. Now promise, you butt," I said, bringing my arms crossed over my chest.

"I, Lucas King, promise you, Kylie Anderson, that I won't harm you at all during this journey," he said, rolling his eyes once again. "Now come on!"

"Okay, okay," I gave in and followed the potential murderer who I very much so hated.

     Some may mistaken us for friends, but I beg to differ. His obnoxious smirk, dark eyes, and overly conceited attitude made me want to whack him on the head. You know what? I should do that. I'm going to do that.

I jumped up and bopped his head. I then ruffled his hair and laughed. A triumphant smile replaced the annoyed look as I looked at his now messed up hair. His hair was so easy to mess up, honestly. One swoosh made his entire body of hair look quite odd.

     He rolled his eyes, leading me to his backyard. There was an entire garden for his backyard and it was absolutely breathtaking. I loved nature— it was just so beautiful. Like Klaus Mikaelson. Ugh, he's so hot and charming and everything Lucas wasn't. Except for the looks because Lucas was honestly not that bad looking.

     He took a turn and walked up a hill. A tree with a tire attached to it with a rope stood near the middle. It brought me back to that one time I fell off of the tire on another tree and broke my index finger. Absolutely evil, I tell you.

     "Why'd you bring me here? Oh my gosh, you're going to put me on the tire and push me off so I roll down the hill and possibly break my arm or something!" I rambled as I suspiciously looked at the soon-to-be-culprit.

     He rolled his eyes. "No, again, this is favorite place in this shit town."

     "Watch your profanity!" I said, cringing back at the word and glaring at him. "Why'd you want to take me to your favorite place?"

     "I dunno, I just wanted to get away from the evil depths of your tutoring," he responded with a small shrug.

     I paused for a moment to digest what he had said before commenting, "Well it wouldn't be so evil if you could actually do mat-" I stopped my sentence because of the light breath over my neck.

     My body was frozen. I didn't know why it was frozen. It was just frozen. Maybe it was because of his super powers. He had super powers, didn't he? I felt him pat my shoulder and then saw him walk down the hill nonchalantly.

     I shot daggers at the boy and followed him. Lucas was so unbelievably erratic. One moment he's being his cocky self, then the next he's being... Never mind, he's just really weird. But you know who isn't weird like Lucas is? Klaus Mikaelson, that's who.

"What was that for?" I asked, trying not to let the hatred in my voice surface.

"I was testing you," he replied and walked into the building that was at least two times the size of my house.

"Did I pass?" I asked out of curiosity, following him into his house.

"You failed," he responded. "Miserably."

"That's a bit rude!" I said and crossed my arms over my chest

He ignored my comment and grabbed an apple from the kitchen. He started munching on it as I just stood there, confused as ever. I'm not even sure if he's human. No human is this confusing and I know that for a fact.

     "Are you going to keep staring at me? Tutoring session is finished, yeah? Unless you want to stay with me, of course," he said, making my face red.

     "No! I hate you so therefore I will take my leave now!" I exclaimed loudly and pivoted my feet.

     I walked out of the front door and sighed. Lucas is incredibly delusional, but so am I so it's okay. But, who even randomly does things for one moment, and doing some other random thing the next moment. Whatever.

     After walking for at least ten minutes, I had an epiphany. I was completely and utterly lost. Well then, this is a predicament. I tried turning my phone on, but it was dead. The one time I actually needed to use it, it decides not to work. How mean of my phone.

     I walked back to Lucas's house in confusion. His house was somewhere. It had to be somewhere. At this moment, I felt stupid and felt like crying. I was going to possibly never find my house and I couldn't do anything to stop that from happening.

     I looked around the large neighborhood and sighed. I'm never going to find Lucas's house. I moved my head up to look at the sky, which was now turning gray. I'm lost and it's about to rain. And it didn't help the fact that thunderstorms are my biggest fear.

     Maybe it won't thunder. Maybe it'll only rain. Oh my goodness, I'm freaking out too darn much. I felt something wet slide down my cheek and once I realized it was my tears, I cried even harder.

     Water fell down from the sky and landed on my arm soon enough and that also freaked me out more. I went onto somebody's yard and slid down a tree, cradling my knees once I arrived there.

     This has to be a dream— no, it had to be a nightmare. I pinched myself and yelped once I didn't wake up. I flinched as I heard the loud, frightening thunder and even more tears slid down my already wet cheeks.

     Why did this have to happen to me?

heyyy so i am not feeling the best rn and i guess i brought it into the story hahah. why, u ask? well bc i initially planned for her to go home safely and keep on hating lucas but oh well! i have a plan for the next chapter at least c:

i hope u all have been having a good day.

qotd: ravioli or lasagna

aotd: I LOVE BOTH, but if i had to pick one, it would probably be... lasagna. or ravioli.. no, lasagna. i'm so indecisive over food LOL

byee, see u all soon x

- aspen

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