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When we arrived at his house— no, it was more like a mansion— I was still in awe about the size of it. My mind traveled back to when I first came into the house.

     "Who's room was the purple one?" I asked in curiosity, suddenly remembering the room.

     I saw him tense before him saying with a grin that was probably fake, "That is my little sister's room."

     "Awe, how cute. I never knew you had a sister," I cooed and patted his head. I had to stand on my toes to do so.

     "Mhm," he responded, walking into his own room. "She's the center of the entire family— when there even is a family. Good grades, good looks, talented at literally anything she does. And she's only thirteen." I heard him scoff softly.

     "I mean, I love her and all, but it's like she's my parents prized possession. They praise and adore her but give me nothing but negative shit about how much of a failure I am," he mumbled almost inaudibly and shook his head. Luckily, I have super hearing. Just kidding.

     I didn't know how to respond, but luckily I didn't have to when Lucas turned to me with a grin. "So," he said, clasping his hands together, "tutor me."

     I rolled my eyes and said with a teasing tone, "Not until you say the magic word."

     "I have cookies," he replied.

     "So, take out your math notes!" I instantly responded with a grin on my face. You can't go wrong with free cookies.

     He laughed at my reaction and told me with an amused face, "I didn't take any notes."

My mouth opened and I swear if it was a cartoon, it would've dropped to the floor. "No wonder you're practically failing math!" I exclaimed and shook my head in disappointment.

"In my defense, I have a C in it, not an F! Plus, I pay attention, I'm just too lazy to take notes and end up forgetting it all," he shrugged nonchalantly.

I raised my eyebrow, "How are you even in AP classes?"

"My parents are lovely, aren't they?" he answered and laughed at the expression on my face.

"Are you implying that they paid for you to get in? What the fudge nuggets!" I screamed with a hint of anger in my voice. Because unlike him, I actually worked my way up to the top.

He shrugged and chuckled, "The school was in desperate need of money and my parents were in desperate need of a perfect son. Guess it only benefited one side."

I frowned at the statement. He was pretty perfect in my opinion- wait, what am I even saying? I wiped the frown off my face and patted his head. "Awe, I'm sure they love you."

He muttered something inaudibly under his breath but then just nodded with a grin. "I'm still waiting for you to tutor me."

"Right, right. One sec," I responded and took my math binder out. "Get a piece of paper out, I'm making you write down the notes."

"But why?" he whined like a small child, holding out the the last word.

"Because I'm going to mane you ace this test," I stated sternly, certainty in my voice.

He rolled his eyes, but complied with my demand.

And then I started to teach him. The best part? He actually paid attention and tried to do the problems I had made up. Yay, Kylie for the win.

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