1. The beginning

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                                                               Chazaeyah Pov

I can't even begin to understand why I am here yet again in this house. It has be a good 3 weeks since my terrible and emotional break up with my ex and I still can't understand why I won't leave my house. All I do is stay inside, listen to music and read.

I mean shit I look too good to stay hidden forever but me and this cold weather wasn't doing it boo. I don't get why the weather has been changing so much in NY but now everybody done caught the damn flu and I sure as hell was not gonna be next.

I was just dying to get out and have some real fun. Ashanti's birthday had passed during my break up bullshit so I couldn't even party the way I wanted to I still couldn't believe my bitch was 20 like damn. Why I gotta be the baby of the group. Matter of fact I'm finna see if I can get her ass to go out with me tonight its a Friday night and I wanna have fun for once.

Me:  Twinny darling how much you love me bitch

Twinnny Babes😍👭: Not enough to get locked up with yo ass  today so whatchu want

Me: 😭😭 Bitch I need to get out I miss dancing and having fun

Twinny Babes😍👭: Sorry ChaCha I can't I gotta close the store tonight and I'm watching somebody child for the extra bread maybe another night.

Me: I knew your ass ain't love me 😑 just save sum bread so we can smoke tomorrow and tell mystery bae I said don't die cause I know you don't babysit bitch

Twinny Babes😍👭: 😅😭 mind your business bitch and I already got bud sis you know I gotchu just don't fuck up my night aii. Love ya

Me: Byyyyyyye bitch and love ya more 😘😘

I'm mad I was really dubbed for dick but I cant blame sis she's been needing it for awhile. That's all I was thinking while shaking my head before I heard my mom banging at my door.  I really couldn't wait to move in with the girls.

"Yeah Ma?" I yelled back not really trying to leave my room.

"Zey get your ass out here you got some nigga I don't know at my door!" Ma yelled

I was confused though who tf shows up at the brib with no warning like I know damn well I told niggas not to do this.

I got my lazy ass out the bed to go see who it was but to none of my damn surprise it was this dumb ass nigga Zo back again. I'mma keep it a stack before I met my ex I gave Zo a lot of my time boy was shorter than me and skinny but he had a slanga in his pants.

I mean yeah he's short but not ode short he was 5"10 I just stood taller. But to me the nigga let himself go and has a whole kid now so I don't understand why he is even coming around.

I was just shaking my head the second I looked at him. I had no idea the effect I had on him after fucking around with him so much I just wish he'd leave me the hell alone.

"What you want Zo? And why you coming to my house. Actually how the fuck you know where I live?" Which was a damn good question cause I never brought the nigga to the house.

"So you just gonna act like you don't miss a nigga or even invite him in." Looking at me while biting his bottom lip. I could've sworn he was just undressing me with his eyes. I ain't like it.

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