21. Shes Awake

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Omniscient POV

4 months later

Chazaeyah's has been a coma since she got to the hospital. The doctors had informed the family the reality of the situation.

"Hi I'm Doctor Joseph. I know you all are family to Ms. Young so I called you all back at this time to let you know the seriousness of the problem. As you all understand the day you brought Chazaeyah in she was on the brink of death. The way she was hit on her head caused a lot of internal bleeding in her head. As well as her being raped had caused some internal hemorrhaging. So now her chances of giving birth are very slim to none. I also must apologize to you all because I with held some information from back then due to all of the problems set before you all. Might I ask who her boyfriend is out of all of you?"

Trigga looked up at the doctor with his tired eyes. Everyday he had been at the hospital waiting to see if she woke up he would get at least 20 minutes of sleep a day. Ashanti was released 3 weeks after everything and had Snipes helping and protecting her every step of the way. They went every day to see Zey. Zen had to stay far from the situation for a month after the incident due to the fact it put extreme stress on her pregnancy. That same night it had given her laboring pains early from the amount of stress.

That night Aug found out he was a soon to be dad and had stood by her side insuring that she wouldn't lose their child. Omari stayed by her side everyday alongside Trigga. Even Sharniece came around although when Ashanti caught her she attempted to drag her. They put their differences aside to pray that Zey would pull through.

"I am Doc." Trigga spoke up.
Sighing and grabbing a paper that was a death certificate.

"I'm so sorry for your loss son. I really and truly am. By the time we got her to surgery the fetus was dead. She was 4 months along. I don't believe she knew herself due to the situation she was in."

Trigga broke down in tears as Zen and Aug hugged him crying themselves. There was not one dry eye in the room.

"This is your fault!" Sharniece yelled at Ashanti. She looked at her crazy because it was no time for drama.

"Had you stayed away from my daughter she would have been fine! It's all because of you!!!" She started yelling more.

"Shut the fuck up we all know you were no damn better. You were a horrible mother." Omari yelled at her.

"I may have been a bad mom but I can say I was there for her. Your bitch ass left her and raised other people's children before your own. You stole from her and used her. You were no father to her. Where do you think her issues sprouted from? No therapy can fix what you did." She said as she up and left.

Shaking his head shedding tears. He knew his ex wife was right. Omari was broken. But he wanted to fix it all.


"I'm sorry to interrupt but there is two more things I must say." The doctor spoke.

"Tell is everything Doc we can't sit blind to it all anymore." Aug spoke.

"Well for the last of bad news is because of the blood that had built up in her head we were able to remove a few clots but her memory will have blockage. So somethings she will remember and others she won't. It's impossible to tell if it's permanent or not but we can only tell once she wakes up. On the bright side she's been getting stronger and the medicine is working better where she should be waking up most likely within the next week or month depending on if she's ready to wake. If you have anymore questions please don't hesitate to call me." Doctor Joseph said handing his card to everyone.

As they all left Trigga left and headed back to her room. He felt someone touch his shoulder.

" I know you may not like me but you should really go get some rest son. She will wake trust it. I will call you if there's any developments." Omari spoke to him.

Omari wasn't a fan of Trigga but everyday he learned more about him and couldn't help but respect him as a man. Trigga nodded and walked off.


It's been hard dealing with this pregnancy. I was 3 1/2 months when everything happened with ChaCha. When Aug found out I was pregnant he was mad I kept it from him but overall happy. Everyday he's been by my side.

Soon enough I'll be 8 months and I haven't even bothered to throw a baby shower or anything. I wanted my best friend to be there. I still cry for her lost child. It's only been two days since we found out. I knew how bad she wished to have the chance to be a mom again.

I didn't even realize I was crying again these damn hormones. August walked in looking at me confused.

"What's wrong beautiful?" He asked while pulling me into a hug. I inhaled his smell enjoying this moment more than anything.

I let go and shook my head saying nothing. He smiled at me kissing my forehead. I lived for every moment with him. I got dressed and went to the hospital to see my ChaCha again.

Something told me that just maybe she'll wake up today. I entered the room surprised realizing Trigga wasn't here but Omari was looking tired. I honestly still hate him but I'll give him props for sticking around.

"Where's Trigga?" I asked him as I stepped further into the room.

"He's home sleeping finally." Ashanti answered sitting with her knees in her chest.

She looked like she'd been crying for days. I looked at Omari asking silently if I could speak with her. He simply nodded walking out the room. I sat in his seat rubbing my stomach trying to figure out how to start this conversation with her.
Finally getting an idea I just go for it.

"You know you weird one. I mean your so hard core and soft. I don't get it. You two are really twins but my one problem is why did you let love blind you." I stared at her.

"Because like her I didn't know real love. *sniffling* I didn't realize how it would backfire I really care for her Zen. She's all I have. She's the most loyal person in my life. I'd die for her if I had to." She said through her tears.

But it pissed me off I scuffed because she ratted her out. "So why didn't you?" I said under my breath.

Calming myself down I walked over to her and looked her in her eyes.

"If it wasn't for these pregnancy hormones I'd be kicking your ass right now. But because I do have a heart and you crying make me wanna cry. It's going to be okay. She loves you all the same. Shit we both know all she does is forgive and forget." I laughed as Ashanti laughed too.

We smiled at each other. But looked back to see her moving. She was moving!!!

"Cha???? Chazaeyah?" I asked touching her leg because her hand was moving.

Her eyes began to open and I started to hit her leg in excitement.

"Shanti she's waking up!!! Call everyone now!"

Cha started touching her throat dying for water. A nurse came and took the tube that was in her mouth out and gave her some water.

"Damn bitch how you hit someone who laid up in a hospital bed?" She laughed while smiling at me.

My bitch was awake I was balling my eyes out and just hugged her.

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