8. Home isnt Home

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Trigga Pov

I couldn't tell what Zey was thinking but I really could care less. Last night was the craziest night ever for me. She was the first broad I brought to the house and not to mention the first to ever snatch my soul.

I know it may be wrong to just try and put her up but if any nigga even try to touch her they are dying in that same night. Shawty was something I can't let go of.

You can say I'm pussy whipped but its not only that. Her personality and her crazy is what I like about her I love her sex too.
She's beautiful and now with my chain on she's mine.

Her face was filled with confusion and anger all at once and all I could do was grin. I was proud of myself.

"Nigga first how did you get in my phone. Second I'm not your property. Third the fuck you mean I ain't got a choice." I could see her chest rising. I didn't care much tho.

"First your password is light so it was easy to get in. Second you right your not my property but unless you wanna be found dead somewhere I suggest you calm yourself. Plus you don't have a choice that pussy is mine. Those lips are mine. That fine ass body is mine. Let another nigga touch it and you both will be dead and that's on God." I shrugged and I meant every word.

I waited for a response but I guess she couldn't find the words she was just shaking her leg and her head. I know I scared her tho because she saw how serious I was in my eyes. She attempted to take my chain off and that was a no in all books.

Bending down to her level looking her in her eyes I made it clear. "If you ever take off that chain be prepared to die at any given moment. Until I take it off of you that chain is apart of YOUR body."

I know my voice echoed in her ear from the way she jumped. But she needed to know there was no leaving. What's mine is mine.

Zey Pov

I was scared and mad. My emotions were everywhere. Why did I do this to myself. I like him but I don't need this.

I was fighting off angry tears cause I couldn't understand how I did this to myself. I'm just praying God saves me because I believed Triggas word.

"I...I gotta go home. I will talk to you later." I said trying to get past him avoiding eye contact.

He pulled me back and looked me in my eyes he look genuine but something scared me about him. "I don't want you afraid of me Zey. I just want you to understand don't take me lightly."

Maybe I was weak for his looks but I guess I understood what he meant. I can be territorial too at times just not as bad. I sighed shaking my head. I didn't sign up for this. I like him but to just say I'm yours is a bit extreme. It wouldn't kill me too give him a chance either though.

"If I'm supposedly yours and I can't be with no one else then you get the same rule. I refuse to be looking stupid out here. You can say what you want but make me look stupid and I will give you hell." I said poking his chest and I meant it.

He had the biggest smile on his face showing his pearly white. God he's so fine. Pulling me into a passionate kiss.

" I got you beautiful" he said kissing me again.

I broke the kiss so things wouldn't get too intense. Unlocking his door to bump right into August and Zen who were just so fucking nosy. They tried to play it off giggling.

"I hope one of y'all fall down a flight of steps and the other stubs their pinky toe." I said loud and clear.

" Okay first off fuck you and second y'all were taking mad long had us thinking you were fucking." All I could do was stare at Zen like I get her point but to be that nosy should be a crime.

The second I got home that night I knew I would hear it all. Walking through the door it was silent. I was thanking God maybe I could play off everything. Before I could blink I felt a strong sting on my face. My mom swung on me and kept going too.

I couldn't even fight her off. Finally catching her wrist watching hers and my chest raise. I was fighting hurting her I always hated fighting but once you push me to that point I will fight till I see blood.

"What is wrong with you?!" I yelled at her and all this woman did was chuckle shaking her head.

Freeing herself from my grasp she started throwing bags at me. "Get. Your. Ungrateful. Hoe. Having. Ass. Out. MY HOUSE!!!! I WANT YOU OUT!"

I looked at her crazy I'm the child who holds her down yet she's throwing me out. She had my clothes in bags. I could barely fathom what just happened. Shaking my damn head this bitch will regret this.

" Aii then find someone else who there for you nd loves you like I did. To say your  my mother." I scoffed picking everything up and leaving.

Maybe it was time to be on my own but to do me like that was crazy. Sitting out on the steps fighting tears I decided to call Ashanti only my twin can talk to me nd help without saying I told you so.

"Wassup ma you were supposed to call me back earlier"

"Shanti...........I need your help." I didn't even realize tears were already streaming down my face. I was hurt.

"What the fuck happened. Matter fact I'm on my way don't move. And your location says your home on God if its your mom again Imma fight her Cha I'm tired of her. Did she hit you?"

I forgot Shanti knew of the other times when my mom gets mad she just puts her hands on me and one time I was leaking. My twin rushed me to the hospital because of it. My mom has been doing good tho her anger hasn't been bad what happened. I couldn't stop my tears my heart was so hurt.

" OH FUCK NO WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!!" I looked up and saw Shanti in the flesh and was immediately scared. Not many people put fear in my heart but when my twin is mad its like your fighting a demon. I stared at the ground I couldnt even open my mouth.

"Okay bet thats all I need to know" Shanti ran into the house before I knew it.

FUCK. Is all I was saying in my head. I caught her at the door arguing with my mom. I tried to pull her from her but nothing was working.

"You dumb bitch you dont know how to treat your own child" Shanti yelled at her

"Fuck you bitch! You aint shit but a hoe just like her yall belong together that aint no child of  mine!" I looked at my mom crazy like did I really just hear that. I couldn't believe my ears.

"See you done fucked up now" I saw spit onShanti's shirt and saw my mother grinning. She's grinning. She's lost her mind.

I stepped in front of my mom without thinking and got hit in the arm by a bullet. She took a gun out on her. I didn't believe her when she said she would kill her some day but she wasn't playing. I was in so much pain. When I tried to see if my mom was okay she just scoffed. Pushing me out to he doorway and closed the door.

Why can't she love me the way I love her. The pain became over whelming. Shanti was crying apologizing and I knew she was sorry  she was just pushed too far. I was crying with her.

We pulled our selves together and went to the car for a drive to the hospital. That night was one I'd never forget.

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