Arcade Rivals

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--Petra's POV--

    "Ugghh, again?!" I exclaimed, exasperated, looking at the score page of the arcade's Pac-Man machine. I was second place. Again.

I liked to hang out here on weekends and I was usually reigning champion of most of the games, but a few weeks ago someone had taken over my first place spot at Pac-man. The name entered on their score was 'Jes'. I quickly regained my first place spot but when I came back a few days after that I was bumped back to second place again. 

The fight for first place is still going back and forth, but I won't stop until I come out as crowned victor of the Pac-man machine. 

   It took me a few tries to get back into first, but I managed. Barely. I got only a few hundred more points than this mysterious 'Jes' had achieved.

    When I finished, I noticed a small crowd had gathered, as usual. Regulars at the arcade who wanted to find out who finally came out on top. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them were betting on it. I gave them a cocky grin. Some of them gave high-fives and thumbs ups, congratulating me on regaining my rightful place on the leaderboard. Some just returned to their games. 

   Walking home, I felt intrigued by this 'Jes'. The first few times I was annoyed that someone kept taking my spot, but now I was curious.

-A few days later-

I ordered three slices of pizza and some Pepsi from the arcade food stand (Hey, I was hungry!). I hadn't played anything at the arcade today. I just stopped by to grab a bite to eat. 

I took my food to a picnic table right outside the building and was just about to sit down when the door to the arcade opened, and a girl about my age walked out. She was wearing overalls, her dark brown hair that fell below her shoulders framed her sparkling brown eyes. I heard someone inside the arcade say, "Great job, Jes!" just as the door closed. Jes? I studied the girl. She didn't look like the kind of girl who could beat me at Pac-man.

 She looked slightly awkward from the attention the arcade-goers had given her, the embarrassment making a light red color flush her face. It looked... Cute. Woah, what?

    "You're Jes?" I asked her, trying to ignore my previous thoughts. She turned to me. "Jesse, actually. Jes is just my arcade name," She said, "Why?"

"It's just nice to finally know the identity of the girl who keeps beating me at Pac-man," I replied, a half smirk-half grin on my face. She put her hands on her hips and gave a cocky smile in return.  "You must be Petra then." She said. "Guilty as charged." I replied, returning the cocky smirk. 

"Ya know," The girl, Jesse, said. "It's getting tiring, beating you all the time."

"Well I'm not stopping anytime soon." I replied. She laughed, her brown eyes sparkling even more. My heart sped up.

  "Hey, want some pizza?" I asked her, wanting to get to know her. "It's on me. Plus, I know how hungry playing Pac-man can make you." Jesse hesitated a moment before saying, "Sure!" She swiped her bangs to the side of her face and joined me.


   I threw the paper plates into the trash can outside. It was fun getting to know Jesse. She was smart, sarcastic at times, and adorably dorky. 

"Thanks for the pizza," Jesse began, "I have to admit, this was fun." 

"Yeah, it was," I agreed, a smile on my lips as I looked into her eyes.

"Just know that just because we're friends now, doesn't mean I'll go easy on you at Pac-man." She laughed. 

"I wouldn't dream of it." I chuckled. 


This chapter was based off the arcade parts in Stranger Things. If you watch the show you know what I'm talking about (Insert Lenny face here)


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