I Want to Make it Better

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     I was in the common room of the Order Hall. It was kinda like a huge living room/kitchen combo area. The perfect place for all of us to just chill and hang out, if everyone else still lived here... Nevermind that! Nothing could ruin my mood today! I had finished a quick breakfast and was ready to head out in the world and do a little exploring. Or mining. Anything with adventure!

     "I'm headin' out, Jess!" I called out my usual phrase to let Jesse know I was leaving. We were probably the only two people in the town who were awake at this ungodly hour of the morning. She left a little later than I did to go do mayor-y stuff for Beacontown.

     I waited to hear her usual "See you in a bit!" or "Don't die!" remarks, but it never came.

     "Jesse?" I called again. Huh. That's weird. I entered Olivia's redstone elevator and climbed to the floor above which housed all our rooms. I felt a little pain knowing Olivia, Axel, and Lukas' rooms were empty. They had their own lives now and didn't stay here anymore.

     I knocked on Jesse's door.

     "Jess? You in there?" I asked. No answer.

       "I'm coming in," I warned as I opened the door. The bed was disheveled but she wasn't there. She must have left earlier than usual. Strange. Now that I think about it, Jesse has been acting weird all this week. Burying herself in work, waking up early and going to bed later than usual. Something was up.


     Soaking wet, but happily satisfied with today's adventure, I entered Beacontown, my bag clattering with the sound of empty glass bottles.

     With water breathing potions from Ivor, I explored a nearby system of lakes. I discovered several underwater ruins and even found a treasure map! Following it would be tomorrow's adventure. Unfortunately, I also acquired a new cut on my already scar-ridden arm from a trident-wielding Drowned. Luckily it just grazed me, but Jesse would still make a big deal of it. She always seemed to notice the littlest cuts or bruises.

     "Hey, Ivor!" I called up the skull house structured of stone bricks and Lapis Lazuli. "I came to return your bottles!"

     "Ah, Petra!" Ivor greeted once I entered. "How did the potions work? Did you discover anything?"

     "They worked great, Ivor." I already got a little annoyed with his enthusiasm. I don't know why, but the guy always gets on my nerves. He's cool, just... annoying. "And I found a treasure map. I'm gonna follow it tommorow." Ivor's looked delighted, but then his face turned serious, as if he remembered something he needed to tell me.

     "Have you seen Jesse today?" He asked.

     "No, why? Have you?" I asked, worried that she might have disappeared.

     "I did," Ivor said. Relief flushed through me. "But she was acting strange. Never talking to anyone for too long. She was just bustling around to get work done."

     Jesse not talking to anyone? That did sound strange. Worry for her flooded back as I remembered all her other odd behaviours throughout the week.

     "I'll talk to her." I told Ivor.

-Later In the Order Hall Common Room-

    The elevator dinged as it reached the floor.

    "Hey Jesse!" I greeted as she exited the elevator.

    "Hey!" She replied. Something about her voice sounded...off. False. She headed towards the kitchen and washed her hands. As she walked closer I noticed dark bags under her eyes. I had to talk to her.

    "You left early today, huh?" I commented, trying to get her to open up, as I headed over to the couch and plopped down to relax.

     "Oh, I just had a lot of work to get done today." Jesse replied. "Anyways, what did you do today? I hope you didn't get into trouble." She laughed as she walked over to the couch and sat down with me. I was suspicious, but I played along

     "Well, I..." I told her the whole story, but instead of her usual eyes sparkling with excitement, her eyes were glazed over. She nodded every once in awhile but I knew she was pretending. I tried to subtly show off my new scar, but she didn't even take notice of it.

    "Jesse?" I asked worriedly. She jumped slightly.


    "Did you get any sleep last night?"

    "Yeah! Of course!" She assured me, but I wasn't convinced. "I mean, the rain was a little loud, but other than that I slept like a baby!" Suddenly, her stomach grumbled. Loudly.


    "I'm fine, Petra." She snapped. I'll admit, I recoiled a little. Jesse never snapped like that at anyone.

     She sighed. "I'm going to my room. I have more papers to look through. Good night."

     My heart ached as the elevator doors shut to take her upstairs. Something was really wrong with my usual bundle of joy and optimism.

-Later that night-

     I headed upstairs after my time in the gym. Working out helps me fall asleep easier so I've made it a routine to workout before I go to bed. Plus I thought that it would help me get my mind off of worrying about Jesse. She was probably asleep at this time so I slipped to my room quietly. I paused as I passed her door, an ache in my chest signaling my worry returned, but continued to my room.

     As I started walking away, I heard a shaky sob come from Jesse's room. I stopped dead in my tracks and listened. I heard light crying and shaky breaths. That was it. I couldn't take it anymore.

     I entered the room. At the sound of the door opening, Jesse tried to hide her tears but I knew better.

    "Jesse," I started, my voice breaking with pain, "Please, tell me what's wrong."

    Jesse lay on the bed, her face burrowed into a pillow. I sat next to her and rested my hand on her back.

     "Please," I begged. I couldn't stand seeing her like this.

     Jesse was still for a moment and then she turned and clung onto me, starting to cry.

     "I miss him, Petra." She said in-between sobs. She didn't need to elaborate. I knew who she was talking about instantly.

   "T-the nightm-mares are back. I s-see them everytime I c-close my eyes," she cried. "H-he's just f-falling. Over and over and over."

    "Oh, Jesse," I said softly, holding her close to me, my heart ached seeing her this sad again. She was like this for months after Reuben died and I hated that she was going through the pain again. "I miss him too."

    "The w-wither-" She started

    "Shhh," I whispered as she sobbed into my shoulder. "It's okay. I'm here."

    Her sobs became light crying until she had no more tears. She hugged me as I held her.

    "T-thank you, Petra" she said shakily. "I needed that."

    "That's what friends are for," I smiled. "Are you okay?"

    "I-i think so." She said. "But, can you stay with me, please? I don't think I can sleep alone tonight."

    "Y-yeah, of course," I stuttered the first part, not exactly sure why.


     Petra hugged Jesse close as they drifted off. Feeling Petra's breath as she nuzzled closer to Jesse's neck in her sleep, Jesse realized that Petra would do anything for her, anything to make her feel better. Anything to see her happy.

     And for the first time that week, Jesse smiled.

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