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   Petra and I eyed each other from opposite sides of the floating platform, swords in hand, as the Admin laughed from the sidelines.
"This is the perfect time to test the loyalty of my champion!" He exclaimed, his champion meaning Petra.

The look in her dark blue eyes would look determined to anyone who didn't know her as well as I did, but I knew otherwise. She was just using it to mask her fear.

When the Admin noticed Petra hadn't attacked me, he waved his hand and a jolt of electricity shocked Petra as she yelped in pain. I bit my lip, hate for the Admin coursing through my veins. I gripped my sword tighter in anger.  Petra reluctantly started to advance.

I parried and dodged her attacks. Then I felt a strange presence enter my body, and suddenly I was no longer in control.
"It's time to make things interesting." The Admin's voice hissed through my mind. I tried to move my body, but I couldn't.

The Admin was in control.

Petra recovered from our last clash of swords and approached me. She lifted her sword to attack me. To anyone else, it would look like a legitimate attack, but not to me. She wasn't using her full force. She didn't want to hurt me.

  As she brought the sword down, The Admin used my body to forcefully hit back, using my sword to twist hers out of her hand. Petra's sword flew off the platform, and my body advanced towards her. I tried yelling, tried to move my body, but nothing worked. I could only watch helplessly as my body advanced towards Petra and kicked her to the floor. She looked up at me, her usually brave, sparkling blue eyes now wide and fearful.

"J-jesse?" She croaked. My heart broke. I wanted to yell out, scream, anything to get the Admin out of my body. A chuckle from the Admin echoed in my mind.

I couldn't do anything as my sword struck her.




    I bolted upright, breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Tears were threatening to roll down my face as I tried to slow my rapid heart rate. It was just a dream. I realized. A horrible, awful dream.
I took long, deep breaths and shifted into a cross legged position on my bed when suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards my door.

Great. I thought. I woke someone up.

A small knocked rapped on the door. "Jesse?" A voice said. Petra. I hesitated, not knowing what to say, when the door opened.

"Hey," Petra entered the room. I hurriedly brushed the tears out of my eyes.
"You okay?" She asked, worried. "I heard you yell."

"I'm fine," I said, suddenly interested with staring at the sheets of my bed. "It was just a nightmare. An awful one."
  Petra came and sat at the edge of my bed. She rested her hand on my arm in reassurance.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked.

"It might be...upsetting." I replied as I met her blue eyes, shining in the moonlight that streamed from my window.

"If it will help you sleep, go ahead." She laid down next to me, one hand under her head, the other resting on my arm, occasionally stroking it in reassurance as I told her about my dream.

"Feel better?"

"Y-yeah, actually... Thanks." I answered. It really had helped.

"Of course," She smiled.

She started to get up, when I blurted out,
"Wait. Do you..think you could stay a little bit? I don't want to take any chances with another nightmare."

"You sure you just don't want me to leave?" She teased, but nonetheless got back into the bed, laying on her side so she could look into my eyes. She pushed my hair out of my face as she pecked me on the lips. "G'night,"

"Good night," I whispered back, closing my eyes and cuddling against her.

Phew, this chapter seems a little more crappy than the other two, but it's okay I guess.

BTW, the media I added is a song called Love you Like That. It reminds me a lot of Jesstra (Jetra too!) so if you're interested, you should take a listen.

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