The Start of an Adventure

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Jesse's POV

     We sat beside the fire, warming our hands in the shabby wood shelter Petra and I had constructed at dusk when we felt the first hint of rain. The drops had quickly turned into a downpour and were just now starting to let up, almost three hours later.

   Rubbing my hands together for extra warmth, I thought back to earlier today when Petra and I had said good-bye to our friends and left Beacontown to go on our own adventures together. I smiled.

   The smile faded when I peeked over at Petra from the corner of my eye. Something was on her mind. I could tell by the way she absent-mindedly ran her finger across the dirt floor and stared at the wall quietly. I scootched over to her, my sudden movement pulling her out of her daze. 

   "How are you doing?" I asked her gently.
   She was quiet and my heart sank when a thought came to me. Maybe she changed her mind. Maybe she didn't want me to come with her on her adventures at all. My heart clenched.

   The more quiet seconds that went by, the more I was convinced she didn't want me here.
"I can go if you like," I told her.

Petra stared at me for a second before realizing what I meant.

"No, Jesse it's not like that!" She assured me. "Of course I want you here! I'm sorry. Nothing's wrong, I was just thinking."

I let out a silent breath of relief, now realizing how stupid I was to think that. I sat down next to her.

"What were you thinking about?" I asked.

"The past weeks. Everything with Romeo, and ugh- it was just a mess. I'm glad everything is the way it was before."

"Well, not exactly like before," I grinned. "You and I are adventuring together now."

Petra smiled. I don't know if it was my imagination, but her cheeks turned slightly red, as if blushing. I thought it looked cute on her.

"That's true." She replied. "And I'm glad that's how it turned out. For a second there, before we left, I-i thought you were going to stay in Beacontown. I thought there was no way you would pick me over everyone else. But you did." She meet my eyes as if saying thank you.

"Of course I would stay with you you!" I started. "We've been through so much together. Even after all the times we fought we were still a team." I paused for a moment before I finished, "I would never leave you. Not again."

   We stared into each others eyes for what seemed like too long. I seemed to notice the cute splash of freckles across Petra's face for the first time, and how startlingly blue her eyes really were.

   Before I could register what I was doing, I slowly leaned up closer to her. I closed my eyes and a feeling like a jolt of electricity ran through my body as our lips touched. The warm, comforting scent that I could only describe as Petra's was crisp and fresh now that I was so close to her.

   I pulled away slowly, and when my mind registered what had happened my face warmed with my furious blushing.

   Petra seemed shocked at what I just did, her cheeks flushing red, and I worried that I just made a huge mistake.

"I'm sorry!" I started to apologize quickly, but I was cut off when Petra leaned down and returned the kiss. I shivered inwardly feeling Petra's thumb run gently against my cheek.
   We broke apart, tingles still running through my body.

  "It's okay." She answered, her cheeks still flushed bright red but this time in happiness rather than embarrassment.

    Looking back at the fire, I said "So... what does this mean?"

"Honestly? I don't know," Petra replied. "Let's just see where this takes us."

   Not knowing how to reply, I rested my head against her shoulder.

   "Dork." Petra laughed playfully. Nonetheless, she leaned her head on mine.

    Staring into the warm fire, I slowly closed my eyes as Petra wrapped her arm around me and pulled me closer to her. She ran her fingers through my hair gently as I drifted off into the best sleep I've had in months.


A/N: That got a little spicy, huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  I was in a big Jesstra mood this week xD

The song above is one on my Jesstra playlist. I like to think that it's in Petra's pov, asking Jesse to not give up on her whenever they fight. I personally think it fits it well.

BTW, if you have any songs that remind you of Jesstra, please let me know! I need more in my playlist!

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