I Missed You

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       It's been almost a year since Petra left Beacontown. There were days when I was busy, which helped me take my mind off it. And then there were days like this where every little thing reminded me of her.

      Radar and I were having our daily walk of Beacontown, when I heard a laugh. It sounded so crisp and familiar. It sounded like her. I whipped my head around, trying to locate the source of the noise.

     "Oh." I said flatly when I saw it was just a citizen. They laughed again and memories flooded back to those times when Petra and I were hanging out and she laughed at something stupid I said.


    "Jesse," Petra started. "Why is there a frog living in the bathtub?"

    "Why are you asking me?" I tried to sound innocent.

    "Because this has 'Jesse' written all over it." Petra replied, holding up my frog. "Seriously, not even Axel would do this."

    I snatched up my frog. "Don't hurt him!" I protested. I put him against my cheek. "He is my son." Petra snorted.

    "Alright," she said holding in a laugh. "What's his name?" I knew she was just humoring me, but I'll take it.

     "I- I haven't thought of that yet." I admitted.

    "What a bad parent you are," Petra tsked teasingly. "You didn't even name your child."

    I thought for a bit. "Squishy." I said finally.

    "What?" Petra asked

     "I shall name him Squishy, and he shall be my squishy." I tickled him underneath the chin as Petra snorted again. Suddenly, my finger was engulfed in pain.

     "Ow!" I exclaimed, dropping him. "Bad Squishy. Bad! He bit me...."

     Petra burst out laughing and I couldn't help but smile.


       "Jesse?" I heard Radar say somewhere in the back of my mind, but I didn't really register it.

     "Jesse." It was clearer this time but I still didn't react.

    "Jesse!" I was bolted to reality.

    "Huh? Oh, sorry," I muttered. "I just-I thought it was her."

    "Oh," Radar said sympathetically. "I understand. She'll come back soon Jesse. Don't worry."

    But with every passing day, my worry grew greater that maybe she wouldn't come back. Maybe something happened to hurt. She was hurt, lost. Or worse, she didn't want to come back.

     I should have gone with her.


      It was sunset, Petra's favorite time of day. The gates of Beacontown opened to allow me to exit and go on a walk. I stared at the floor as I walked slowly down the stone road. The same one we went the first day of our crazy Admin adventures and the same one she left on.

     Why didn't I go with her?

     I was almost to the small wooden bridge when I heard a voice.


     My heart stopped. My brain knew it was her, but at the same time was also convincing me that I was just imagining things again. I lifted my gaze slowly. Standing a few yards ahead of me was my best friend.

      I stared at her, studying everything about her, tears welling in my eyes. Her aubrun hair, her freckles dashed across various part of her body, and her eyes. They were just as I remembered them. Proud. Fierce. Familiar.

     "Well?" She smiled. Was it just me or were her eyes moist? "No hug?" Her words finally got me to move. I walked towards her slowly at first, speeding up as a huge smile spread across my face until I was running towards her, tears rolling down my cheeks as I jumped into her arms laughing.

    "Petra!" I exclaimed, squeezing her as tightly as I could. "I can't believe you're back!"

    "I missed you so much," She choked out.

    We were both hugging and laughing and crying all at the same time. We seperated to look at each other's faces.

    "I missed you too." We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before we kissed.

   "I love you,"

   "I love you too,"

   "I love you,"   "I love you too,"

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