South Flushing

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(Y/N) - the absolutely fearless, tough, and mos heroic newsie in all of New York. The leader of South Flushing, and the leader of the strictly female allegiance of newsies. Nobody had ever seen her face, but she was rumored to have the head of a serpent under her large newsie cap that shrouded her face in shadow. Unlike other girls, she and her newsies wore masculine clothing - probably for the reasons of male clothes being cheaper and generally much more practical to run around and sell in.

So, yeah, to say (Y/N) was feared by many was an understatement. She terrified absolutely everybody - including the toughest boys from Brooklyn.

So, when Davey was dared by Race to try and sell a paper on her territory in an out of hand game of truth or dare, he was terrified beyond belief. Could you blame him, though? There were an incredible amount of rumors about (Y/N) beating up police, the Delancey brothers, and even Spot Conlon!

But, a dare's a dare - and Davey, no matter how weak he seemed, was not going to give in to it. Besides, it was just one paper - he'd sell his pape fast and get outta' there fast. He was not going to let himself be made a fool of.

At least, this was what Davey told himself as he approached her territory. A few other newsboys were hiding in some bushes, keeping an eye for him just in case (Y/N)'s girls got rowdy or generally violent towards him.

Clutching his bag tightly and taking a deep breath, he looked out to the area before him. It was like most of New York City - people bustling around to get places, vendors out on the streets, and newsies in the square.

Race gave him a thumbs up from a nearby brush, prompting him to go on. He waited a few moments, but eventually took a step in.

First big mistake.


"Boss, ya' in there?"

(Y/N) looked up from her 'desk' (a couple crates with old newspapers and pencils scattered on it messily) and raised an eyebrow.

"Dunno, am I?" She joked, causing the newsie at the door, Cherry, to smile. She may seem tough and intimidating on the surface, but inside she was a huge goof that loved her newsies.

"Well, seeing as you're here," Cherry began, adjusting her cap, "We caught one from 'Hatten selling here. What do you think we should do with him?"

(Y/N) sighed and leaned back on her 'chair' (Yet another crate). It wasn't rare for newer newsies to sell in her turf by mistake, but something about the way that Cherry put it told her that he had done this knowingly.

"Send him in here." She replied coolly, running a hand through her messy hair. Cherry nodded obediently and left the room as (Y/N) lazily threw her cap on her head to cover her dirty, yet pretty features.

After a few moments, (Y/N) heard some muffled talking and a knock on her door, followed by Cherry returning - except this time, she was holding a boy by his arms in front of her. (Y/N) gestured for him to enter, prompting Cherry to shove him to the ground and leave, shutting the door behind her.

He almost immediately stood up, revealing a newly forming black eye on his face.

His face..

It kinda baffled (Y/N). When she thought of newsies, sure - she thought of cute boys- but she thought of messy and unkempt cute boys. This one, though, was neat and gentle looking - which, for some reason, allured (Y/N).

Suddenly, the room was a lot hotter. (Y/N) took her cap off to fan herself, shocking the lanky boy in front of her.

She was really pretty!

"So, care to tell me why you're here?" She quipped, placing her hat on the 'desk' and crossing her arms. Davey gulped nervously and wrung his hands.

"W-well, y-you see-" He began, stuttering like a madman - mainly because a) she was fucking terrifying, and b) she was fucking beautiful. He took a breath and wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. "I was dared to.. Uh, sell a paper on your territory.." He half mumbled. (Y/N) chuckled lightly from her desk, shaking her head slightly.


"What's your name?" She inquired, leaning forwards on both palms, slightly standing up. Davey, for an inexplicable reason, blushed.

"D-david.." He mumbled, prying his eyes away from her face.

"You got a last name?" She asked, sitting back down and smiling ever so slightly at him. Davey nodded.

"J-jacobs!" He blurted, taking off his cap and fanning himself with it slightly in order to stop sweating so much.

"Well, 'Davey Jacobs'," She began, twirling a pencil between her fingers. "Usually i'd give a good soakin' to anyone who wanders on my turf. But, since you seem nice, i'll strike a deal with you." SHe smirked, setting the pencil down. Davey nodded, giving her the signal to continue with her speaking.

"It's simple - you don't sell on my territory anymore, and while you're at it you bring a message to Jack Kelly for me." (Y/N) finished, picking the pencil back up and scribbling something on the back of an old newspaper. She folded it up neatly and waited for Davey to give an answer (he was caught up in staring at her.)

"Uh.. okay.." He agreed, sheepishly. (Y/N) grinned at him and slid the paper over to the boy in front of her. He took it gingerly and placed it in his pocket.

"Now, don't get me wrong here - usually you wouldn't be off the hook for this," She started, a stern tone taking over. "But you're cute - so i'll give you a strike." She flirted, turning Davey redder than he already was.

"Now, get outta' here."

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