Happy Valentine's Day: A Confession

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[Screen turns on and Bakugou is sitting in front of his desk, looking at a couple papers in his hand. It was something he wrote for someone... someone important to him. He looked up at the screen]

Bakugou: Hi, uh... So Ayumi told me to do this so... um... ugh, why do I have to do this?!

[In frustration, he frustratedly throws his script up in the air and accidentally sets it on fire]

Bakugou: AH, SHI-

[The camera gets knocked over as he reaches up for it and the screen goes blank. With a small beep, the screen turned on again and he was holding the burnt script in his hand. Frustration was on his face]

Bakugou: Okay... take two I guess.

[He squints at the writing that is nearly illegible and sighs, tossing it away. When he looks at the camera, his eyes soften slightly when remembering the reason for this. He sighs and starts]

Bakugou: Kohaku, I hate how inferior you make me feel. You always are always the first person to step up for stupid Deku, and not only that, you're always ahead of me! No matter what I do, you always beat me and it's pissing me off!

[He slammed his fist on the desk and sparks started flying. Literally. Realizing this, he took deep breaths to try and calm down. Soon he was able to do so and looked back up at the screen. Now there was a visible blush on his face, and a vulnerable look on his face]

Bakugou: But even though-... Even though I said I hate you before... I feel so... much stronger, better... happier, around you. 

[He sighs once more and runs a hand down his face. He continued to talk]

Bakugou: You're strong, I'll tell you that. Especially when any of us are screwed. You don't hesitate to help us out even though it screws you over too. You even helped me. Even though you hated me... you're just like freakin Deku now that I think about it.

[He grumbles a little bit before proceeding]

Bakugou: You never smiled at me, not once. But whenever I saw you smiling with your friends, my heart went crazy. You never genuinely laughed at anything I said, but your laugh was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. You never looked at me without disgust or hate, but I never stop getting lost in your eyes. You never tried to impress me, but you did anyway.

[A genuine smile formed on his face. It was small but still genuine.]

Bakugou: I hate this. I hate how you make me feel. But... I don't hate you. Okay? I don't. I actually.... just wish that we can talk more... laugh with each other more... Cause well... 

[As his heart beat against his chest, he gulped and stared right into the camera lens]

Bakugou: I care for you. More than I thought I could... More than I thought I'd care for anyone.... you don't need to be sympathetic and say you feel the same. But if you like me back... please tell me. 

[With that, he said goodbye and turned off the camera, the screen freezing when he turned off the camera and his face frozen on the screen, his eyes remaining on the viewer]

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