Guran Nash: circle of truth - Enter the paranormal

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Guren reframed from asking the question he had in mind. Max meowed at Guren in worried tone. Guren stayed silent. Maggy looked up, she sighed.

"That's why I don't like talking about my past."

"You killed your friends, and sister?"

Maggy nodded

The house went back to normal as Maggy continued to think to herself. Guren regaining his composure. Maggy got up from the table and started walking to the door. Guren did not fight, did not fuss, did not move.
Once at the door Maggy expected to be attacked, but nothing happened. She looked behind her nothing.

"If you must leave. then go." Guren said still at the table

Maggy saw this as 'a one time opportunity' and left.

Maggy got to her house about an hour after she left. She started unlocking the front door. As she did so Liela and Idida started barking happily. Maggy open the door with a smile. The puppies greeted Maggy with much excitement.
Liela is a panda chow chow and, Idida is a husky.
Maggy picked the puppies up, then set them down on her couch. She sat down while Liela curled up in her lap and Idida sat in a guard like position.

"I think I'm going to take a few days off. It has been one messed up ride." Maggy said

Meanwhile Max found a way into the house. He jumped on top of the window sill, watching Maggy and her dogs. After about 2 hours Maggy went to her room. She prepared for bed, then let the puppies in. Maggy laid down while the puppies curled up at the end of the bed.
Maggy was almost asleep until a four mini paws land on her. Maggy's eyes shot open, and in the direction of the source.
Max gave an innocent smile knowing what was about to happen.

"Hello there Maggy." A voice echoed

The voice belonged to none than Guren himself. He looked like he did before the incident, only he was transparent.

"How did you get in here where are your injuries?" Maggy asked panicked

"Not important. Just know there are things I can do that the others can't. But that's not the point, it's my understanding that you're going up against Gen and Beni very soon. Their tough, and they don't play nice."

"Where is this going?"

"No where it's your grave. Besides I don't want to be the one who causes your death. But Gen has an entirely different perspective than I do. He is similar to an entity or poltergeist. And you know, poltergeist love to throw things."


The dresser across from Maggy's bed started floating with an icey blue glow. With brutal force the dresser was thrown. Maggy somehow managed to dodge and save her puppies. Next thing Maggy saw more stuff was floating. Maggy set the puppies down and stood in front of them. Maggy would rather take a hit and die than do nothing and lose her puppies, her only remaining family.
One by Maggy took each hit, blocking her face with her arms. Liela and Idida whined and scram well aware of what was happening. Guren watched conflicted, on one hand she's trying to help, but on the other she had done somethings Guren greatly disagrees with.

Finally all items that were ready to be used as projectile were used. As a result Maggy was covered in deep cuts and bruises. Everything went silent. Guren and Max left in the heat of the situation. The paranormal force from before was gone. Suddenly Maggy's vision blurred, she then fell to the ground with load thud.

Liela and Idida started crying again while Maggy's eyes slowly closed. But before darkness took over Maggy saw the silhouette of a boy, missing half of his left arm.

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