Beni: nightmares of the worst kind - Toxsa's family & hunting toys

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"what happened............. Why is it so warm......... Where am I."

"Toxsa come on, get up"

The gentle sound of Wakamei's voice called Toxsa from sleep. Toxsa sat up rubbing his eyes.

"I didn't think I'd ever hear your voice again." Toxsa smiled

He then looked at Wakamei. Toxsa's eyes widened in horror. Wakamei was in the same condition with the same injuries as him.

"What happened to you." Toxsa asked fearfully

"Nothing lil bro. Now come on or we'll be late." Wakamei said kindly

Wakamei walked out of what was now clearly Toxsa's room. He got out of bed. He walked down stairs. Toxsa looked around everything was back to normal.

"Hi Toxsa." Mrs. Dolton greeted

"How are ya kid?" Mr. Dolton asked happily

Toxsa backed away a little. Toxsa's was used to his sister waking him up rather rudely, his mom would give him a soft smile with a sweet little hi, and his dad would just stay silent.

"I'm fine thanks." Toxsa said pulling at one his ribs

"Toxsa, stop!" Mrs. Dolton yelled

Toxsa jumped.

"Don't play with your ribs like that." Mrs. Dolton scolded

"Right." Toxsa replyed

Toxsa went back upstairs. Once in his room Toxsa jumped out the window. Toxsa lucky landed in the garden. Toxsa got up and ran away. He did not want to be apart of what ever alian experiment that was going on back there.
Toxsa stopped once he relised the city empty.

"This reminds to much of beast world." Toxsa commented

Tho there was no one to talk to Toxsa continued to walk. After all he had gotten used to it. But desite the emty street Toxsa felt as if he was being watched. Hundreds of eyes stairing in vengeful fasion. Abandoned over time.
The feeling only got worse. Toxsa slowly picked up speed until he was sprinting. As the feeling began to decrease, Toxsa slowed to a stop. He was now in the Benham city mall, in center where the fountain resided. He dropped to his knees leaning over the fountain. He then coughed up 4 pints of blood in to the water. Toxsa wasn't athletic to begin with after all the injuries caught up with him, it only got worse.
Toxsa continued to coughed harder and with each time.

"Take it easy pal, it's gonna be okay." A raspy friendly voice said as who ever it was patted his back

Toxsa turned his head.

"Haze? What are you doing here?" Toxsa questioned

Haze was Toxsa's stuffed snake. He was black with green spots.

"How's it going bud?" Haze asked

"Fine but I lost you years ago....... Wait......... This is far from real." Toxsa said rather moodily

He started walking away. Ignoring the cries of the snake.

"Wait wait. I'm real. Just out of sight. Please we were friends. It used to be me and you against the world." Haze touched Toxsa's shoulder with his nose

"Haze no more.' Toxsa stopped "I have friends. I have fought with them, I have been through so many things with them that I have no need to drownd myself in childish anticks, LIKE YOU!!!!!" Toxsa souted

The green haired boy's voice boomed through the mall. Haze was taken aback.

"Really. So have no need for the rest of us. All the toys you used to own. Your former friends." Haze hissed

More toys appeared from every corner. Toxsa was surrounded. The toys jumped on Toxsa. Unfortunately due to only having one arm he couldn't fight them off fast off fast, soon he was pinned. Heavier toys piled up creating more weight on his arm.


"Where are your friends now."

Toxsa struggled. Haze then bite Toxsa's shoulder, ripping a chunk out. Toxsa screamed as flashbacks flooded in his mind.


Haze turned only to be niled in the head by a shiny metal axe. Haze fell as all of the other toys backed away. Ceylan appeared above Haze's corpse. While the others walked up behind him. Chooki walked over and offered his hand, witch Toxsa took.

"Thanks. I don't know how survived for so long without you guys." Toxsa said happily

The others smiled. Suddenly Toxsa's eyes snapped open. He looked around he was in the main lobby again. Then he looked up to see a weight dropping. He quickly moved out of the way. The weight crashed into the ground. Toxsa's heart rate raise abnormally high.

"I see it was a nightmare. The moment each of find the solution to our fears, is when we wake up. Once that happens traps go off. Well if that's the case then she expects me to be dead. I guess there nothing I can do, besides wish them luck." Toxsa said to himself

Toxsa ran to the containment aria so Beni couldn't do what she had done again.
Toxsa sat in between the unconscious Gen and aggravated Guren and thought out load.
"Out everyone I'm most concerned for Ceylan's well being. His fear is something else."

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