Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

"Let's go on a job!" Natsu yelled to me.

"I don't really feel like it, Natsu..."

"Okay..." he said and walked away, glumly.

I decide to head home for the day, even though it was only noon. While I walk to my apartment I start to cry silently. I noticed black bug-like things floating around me. I poked one and it just floated away from the force of my touch. No one else was noticing them.

"What the hell...?" I asked myself.

I decided to ignore them like everyone else, and keep walking. When I got to my apartment I locked the window and door. (I didn't want Natsu coming in uninvited... again)

Those weird black bug things were inside my house! How did no one notice them?! Oh well, I must not be thinking straight. I should take a bath to clear my head.

I grabbed a towel and some clothes and went to the bathroom. I made the water extra hot and put in my lavender-chamomile ((A/N: not strawberry :P)) scented soap. I threw my dirty clothes in the corner and relaxed in the tub.

My eyes were closed, so the bug things didn't bother me. As soon as I started to fall asleep I got out and rapped my body in my towel. The mirror was covered in steam so I whipped it off and stared at my reflection until it was cover by steam, again.

"Pathetic..." I mumbled to myself.

When I got my pajamas on I fell on my bed and went to sleep.

~6 hours later~

I woke up shivering. My house sure was cold without Natsu... Speaking of Natsu, maybe I should go back to the guild and apologize to him. I put on my regular clothes and headed to the guild.

When I got there I just stared at the entrance. Do I even deserve to be here? I asked myself.

My thoughts were interrupted by a certain Ice Make mage being thrown into me from inside the guild.

"That's what you get, Ice Princess!" Natsu yelled.

He then looked and saw the awkward position Gray and I were in. Gray looked like he was pinning me to the floor; his hands were around my wrists and his legs in between mine.

"G-Get off, Pervert!" I yelled blushing.

"Sorry..." he said awkwardly.

"Luce? Didn't you go home early?" Natsu asked oblivious to what just happened.

"Yeah," I said while getting up and brushing off my skirt, "but I felt like coming back."

"You're weird..."

"We've already established that," I said walking into the guild.

Trying to ignore the bug things (we're gonna call them bugs) was proving to be difficult. I was unconsciously swatting them away from my face; this earned me stares from my guildmates.

I sigh and walk over to Mira.

"Can I have a strawberry milkshake, please?" I asked, fake smiling.

"Coming right up!" Mira smiled back.

I was either a great actor or my friends didn't know me at all. I don't think I want to know which one is right. This might be my last day at the guild so might as well go all out!

And, yes, I did say last day. I decided I would order two strawberry milkshakes today.

"Actually, Mira, could you make that two?" She nodded her head and smiled in response.

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