Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV

I woke up because something was on my nose. I opened my eyes to see a tail in my face. I tried to get up, but something was on my legs.

I knew who it was immediately. I grabbed his tail, and he woke up. "I'll take chicken!" He yelled when I woke him up, still stuck in his dream.

I laughed at Rin and he blushed. Yukio was woken up by me and he looked from me to Rin, and back again. I realized what it looked like so I shoved Rin off the bed and acted like nothing happened.

"Good morning!" I said. He sweat dropped and Rin groaned in pain. "I'm gonna take a shower." I said and went to the bathroom with my suitcase.

I brush my hair then hopped in the shower, thinking about everything that had happened to me. I've decided; I'm going to start a new life! I'm not Lucy of Fairy Tail anymore. I'm Lucy of the Lucifers.

I got out of the shower and rapped a towel around my body and hair. I look at the exorcist uniform then back at my usual clothes. I said I was going to start anew, so no more old looks!

I grabbed the uniform without hesitation and dried my hair and left it down. I felt like something was missing. That's when I got an idea. I made sure I was ready and walked out of the bathroom.

"Rin~" I said sweetly.

"What?" He grumbled, obviously, he's not a morning person.

"Can I see your suitcase~?"

"No." He replied. I pouted and took his suitcase. He didn't even have time to protest before I locked myself in the bathroom with it.

I looked for something I could use with the uniform. I found a chain I could hang from my pocket, so I did. I unlocked the door to see Rin waiting for his suitcase.

He was giving me an angry look, so I threw the suitcase at him. It hit his face... oops. I walked past him acting like nothing happened and put my suitcase on my bed.

Yukio gave me a questioningly look, but shrugged it off. "I'm gonna take a shower now." Rin announced.

I laid on my belly and studied my sword. It's hilt was gold and the sheath was silver. I went to my suitcase and put my holster on, with my keys attached; I remembered Yukio was here, but he was reading manga.

I sighed in relief and grabbed my sword. "I'm gonna explore the town." I said before I walked out the door.

I summoned Krux outside of our door and asked where the nearest weapons shop was. I guess I had used up all my luck because it was across town. I thanked him and started walking.

I walked along the streets getting a few stares because of my tail, but I didn't care. I was so tired when I was only halfway to the shop. I decided to take a break and rest at a cake shop.

Wrong choice. Their specialty was strawberry cake; strawberry cake equals Erza, Erza equals Team Natsu being dragged along by cake-crazy Erza.

I saw them as I entered. I couldn't walk out, that would make me look suspicious. I went to the line and ordered a slice of chocolate cake and a glass of milk.

I went to a table not too far from Team Natsu, but not too close either. I waited for my cake and drink for a while. Natsu seemed to have snapped and told Erza and Gray what was bothering him. I was close enough to hear him, but acted unphased.

Suddenly the waiter was at my table with my order. I payed her and began to eat. Maybe I could test my powers a little. I grinned and thought of heartless, golden flames. They appeared in my milk and I drank it. The flames stayed in the glass and I played with them. I shaped them with my mind, and smirked as I felt stares on my back.

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