Chapter 7

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I'm Sorry for not updating earlier. I had to bake a cake. I felt like I was going to blow up my kitchen... and I went camping and then I had to go to a baseball game (River Cats bitches~)... Anyway, onto the story!

*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*

Lucy's POV

When I was dressed, and presentable, I went to eat breakfast. It was 6 o'clock in the morning when I headed down the stairs. I got my tray of food (I wonder, did the purple mouse make it again?) and sluggishly began to eat.

Erza had made us wake up early but not in a while. I sat by myself and ate in silence until...

"You actually woke up? I guess you really do know Erza's wrath." Said a familiar voice.

I turned around to see a bed-headed Jellal. I screamed and fell back out of my chair. After I had realized it was only Jellal, someone barged into the cafeteria.

"What happened?" Two panicked twins asked, armed and alarmed.

Jellal burst out laughing while I turned into a human tomato. "I... scared... Lucy... by accident." Jellal said between laughs.

"Sh-Shut up!" I pouted as I got up from the floor. This only made Jellal laugh more and confuse the twins.

"Alright, then I'm going back to sl-" Rin began to say before Yukio pulled him back, "What about classes?" He asked.

"Shit!" Rin cursed and ran to his room to get ready. I realized, then, that Yukio was fully dressed and ready to teach.

"When we're done eating we can start our training." Jellal yawned.

"Where are we training?" I ask.

"I planned a training camp, actually. You should probably pack a suitcase or something when you're done. We'll be training in a forest used to train the exorcists. We'll be 'camping', you could say." He explained.

I nodded and finished my breakfast. When I was done I thanked the mouse that made my food when I set my tray where I got it. I jogged to my room and packed some of my old clothes and other things I would need.

When I was done I went to where Jellal was waiting. He gestured for me to hurry, so I did. For the next few hours we were searching for the stupid forest.

"Let's just ask Mephisto or something! You have a horrible sense of direction!" I complained.

"I know where it is! We just take a... uhhh... left here! Then... we walk forward for a few minutes then take a... right." He told me.

"You made that up. Let me try this..." I said and searched for Pyxis's key. I summoned him and asked, "Can you please lead the way to the woods?"

He did as asked and we were at the beginning of the woods within an hour. "So much for walking a few minutes..." I mumbled as Pyxis went back to the Spirit World.

"I get it, okay?" Jellal said. I laughed at him which cause him to blush.

He set up two magic tent thingies ((I know, so specific. Sarcasm in the house! Woot woot!)) that I had no idea existed. By the time we were all set up, it was dinner time already. I sighed and looked up at the sky and closed my eyes.

"Alright! Now that we're set up; time for training." He said the last sentence in an authoritative tone.

"What?! It's time to eat, not train!" I argued.

"You have to earn your food." He said evilly. I could see the Erza in him now.

"What's first?" I groan.

"Do you have any caster-type abilities?" He asked.

"I can use Urano Metria; other than that, not really." I answered.

"Then you need the basics first. It won't take long."

"Okay...?" I said, confused.

"Sit." He commanded. I did so, but I felt like a dog. He sat across from me and started at me. The weight of his stare was uncomfortable, so I cleared my throat.

"Are you gonna stare at me or are we gonna train?" I asked.

"I was assessing you; seeing if you had the abilities needed for the types of magic I'm going to teach you." Jellal said sounding a little annoyed.

"It's creepy, though." I complained.

"Just, shush." He commanded.

I did as told because he was somewhat like Erza, but a little more tolerant. My mind started to drift as we were silent. I thought of Fairy Tail, my spirits, and Rin. He seemed mad when Jellal and I had left. Maybe he didn't trust Jellal? Why?

Jellal seemed like he was being polite, at the very least. I was just shocked to see him somewhere other than Fiore. And why was Rin being so... protective?

Does he think of me like a sister or something? The idea angered me, for a reason I didn't know. I furrowed my brow and rested my chin on my hand. How did he think of me? I know Streaky doesn't like me and Shiemi's my best friend here but Rin... How does he feel? It's not like I could ever ask him something so straight forward, but what if...

"Okay." Jellal said while clapping his hands together and demolishing my train of thought.



"So... training?" I asked.

"You need to work on your physical attributes, first then magic. I will be teaching you Heavenly Body then help you with a few others. Heavenly Body requires a lot of strength from the user, you need to be, at least, as strong as Gray." He explained.

"Why not aim for as strong as you?" I ask with a smirk.

"We can't train now, since it's getting too dark and it will be a hard lesson, since it's the first. So, dinner is what ever you and I can manage to cook from what we have." He said and completely ignored my comment.

"Do you happen to know how to cook?" I asked, sounding hopeful.

"Uh," He laughed awkwardly, "No... Ultear always did..."

"I don't really know, either..." I admitted.

"What about your spirits?" Jellal asked as a last resort.

"They're not spirits, they're demons and I would guess their idea of 'food' is different from ours."

Jellal sighed then I got an idea. "What if we go back to the dorm and have Rin train with us?! He won't train in magic, of course, but he could train me, too!" I said excitedly.

Jellal didn't seem to like the idea of having him com so I added, "He's an excellent cook."

"Fine." He said reluctantly.

I'm jumped up excitedly and said I would get Rin since Jellal had no sense of direction whatsoever. I remembered the way back so I walked alone, in the dark.

I shivered at the creepy thought and continued walking a little faster than before. The day seemed to go by fast. Everything has gone by fast, now that I left Fairy Tail and it was unnerving. Unnerving and exciting, although being in Fairy Tail came with just as much excitement.

Before I knew it, I was in front of the dorm. I walked through the doors to see a sleeping Rin at the entrance. I sighed and turned around to walk back. It would be fun to annoy him and Jellal a little more.

I giggled as I skipped back to the camp I shared with Jellal.

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