Chapter 1

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Previously on Ex Vivo:

Dr. Alberta Anane, the new president of Ex Vivo has launched the premium version of the dating app publicly and used the feigned death of the Ex Vivo creator Felix to seek the sympathy and the approval of the app from the public and the state.

Ender has been brainwashed and mind-locked by Felix to be her pawn in the presidency, starting with a suggestive relationship with the Vice President His Excellency Nana Asafo Agyei Woode.

Akoma has broken free from Ender's spell and has since gone missing after escaping an explosion at a guesthouse in the Northern Region where she was hiding. The last thing she remembered was being tranquilized by someone who sounded like her dead lover and former Ex Vivo Boo Poku, after this person saved her from being killed by guards who were actually Ex Vivo Boos sent to kill her.

Poku's last message to her before self-destruct was to find a contact and deliver a storage media that contained some vital information to destroy Ex Vivo.

Is Poku really dead? Who is Akoma's saviour and why does he sound like Poku? Is it possible that this person is actually Poku - the real one? Or another copy? What is Felix's phase two going to be? How does Ender's place with the presidency mean anything to the Ex Vivo-Ex Gratia amalgam's future?

Now.....the final story of the Ex Trilogy: Ex Officio


Akoma felt her entire body was on fire. The last fall from her enemy's blow had finally broken some bones in her body. She could feel excruciating pain in her ribs, her lower back and an unusual numbness in her left leg. There was no way this fight was going to be won with just fists and insults. The one-eyed freak of a woman approaching her at that instant was surely in for the kill. None of Akoma's attacks had left even a scratch on her, and after about ten minutes, it looked like Akoma had been beaten up by a mob. Her clothes were torn and there were blood patches on several areas revealing injuries underneath. There was a messy contusion on the right side of her face that had been sustained from a violent strike from the woman. If not for the fact that Akoma was already falling backwards during the delivery of the strike, she might have had her head dangling off her shoulder by then. She spat blood onto the stony floor of the forecourt and crawled away with difficulty, each movement only succeeding in increasing her agony. She was sweating profusely, and her strength was failing her. As much as she knew her attempt to flee from her opponent was pointless, she just believed that whatever risk she had put her life into was worth the try. She was merely heeding to the advise her guts were giving her and she also believed ending things this way would make up for the wretch her life had been in the past year. It was much easier for her to make this sacrifice because her mother was not alive to grieve or stop her. None of her friends were around to tell her how stupid the decision was, and there was no lover of hers to try and save her from doing this her way. She had had people dictate her steps for her for so long, even to the extent of living under a spell and the idea of a spell that was not even there. She had suffered too much already. Now it was time to close the chapters with some bloodshed that would mean a lot to many others other than herself.

The only problem was that there was no guarantee that things would change for the better if she lost this fight. She was counting on a couple of trustees dealing with part of the problem miles away to do their job pretty well. Surely they were not going to have it easy over there because the opposition would attack them before they attempted to enter the perimeter.

Akoma's heart leapt when she heard the sound of footsteps closer than before. Her enemy leaned over and grabbed the collar of her blouse. She lifted Akoma up with one arm and held her up in the air, grinning at the shocked and terrified sea of faces standing outside the grounds waiting for everything to end.

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