McGonagall Loses all Sanity

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Every year, the sorting ceremony took place before the big feast. Scorpius loved watching the sorting ceremony, he loved seeing the first year's faces full of anticipation as the Sorting hat chose the house that would become their family for the next seven years. More than that, the sorting ceremony took him back to when he was sorted into Gryffindor.

"Malfoy, Scorpius!" Professor Longbottom called out. The talking had died down, making Scorpius even more nervous as he made his way on stage. Professor Longbottom placed the Sorting hat on his head, Scorpius shivered.

"Ah!" The Sorting hat exclaimed. "Another Malfoy, I've been waiting for this for a long time. Let's see where I shall put you, surely Slytherin... but... mhm, your different. We might stay here a while, let's see... you have a nice mind, brilliant one indeed, but not Ravenclaw, your also kind but hmm no. Maybe I should put you in Slytherin after all, but no, maybe I should put you in Gryffindor... Mmm yes, you're brave, very brave, yes, you'll feel right at home there won't you Malfoy HAHAHA! I've made my decision, you'll be in... GRYFFINDOOR!"

Silence. Never-ending silence. Scorpius was frozen to his seat. How the hell would he tell his parents? Professor Longbottom patted him on the back making him stubble to of his feet. The blond boy made his way to the Gryffindor table, everyone just stared at him in shock. But then, out of nowhere, no other than Teddy Lupin yelled:

"Hell yeah, Malfoy!" And the whole Great Hall erupted in cheers.

He smiled remembering. Rose, who was sitting across from him, looked at him curiously.

"Scorp, why are you smiling like an idiot?" She asked.

"Oh, it's nothing," he responded, Rose, shrugged and shifted her attention back to McGonagall's speech.

"... A new year means a new start; therefore, we expect you to act up, and face your responsibilities." She eyed Scorpius when she said this, he just rolled his eyes and he swore he saw her smile "This School provides you all the resources to thrive, use them. We, Professors and Staff are here to help you succeed. Don't waste our precious time. Now, it's with great pleasure I'd like to ask the new Head Girl and Head Boy of this year, Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy, to please stand up!" Scorpius looked at Rose, who was now blushing uncontrollably, and they both stood up. Their friends cheered.

"The posts of Head Boy and Head Girl serve the sole purpose of protecting and helping your fellow peers, you two are trusted with a big task, we won't hesitate to remove that title away from you..." Again, this comment was directed at Scorpius. "Don't let us down," That was harsh, but then again, if it weren't harsh it wouldn't be McGonagall. Scorpius and Rose nodded and sat down.

"That's all for now, but I remind everyone that the Dark Forest is restricted for all students... Even for you Potter." Laughter filled the Great Hall, it was common for Albus to wind up deep in the forbidden forest at night for no reason whatsoever, almost on a daily basis.

"Without further ado, let the feast begin!" With a wave of her hand, the four tables magically filled up with food.


"So, Scorpius," Toby Lawson, a fellow Gryffindor said while taking a sip of his pumpkin juice, "How much did you have to pay McGonagall for her to make you Head Boy? Let me guess, two-no three thousand galleons!"

Scorpius laughed, "Something like that."

"But seriously, how?" Margo Bell piped up.

"No clue," Scorpius shrugged "I was as surprised as you are. I'm not complaining though."

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