A Whole New Aurora

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Scorpius woke up with a sharp pain on the back of his neck. He slowly opened his eyes to find himself still in the library, his books were still wide open from the studying he was doing the night before. He rubbed his eyes as they adjusted to the light inside the room, by the looks of it, it was still dawn. He stood up straighter and groaned. His back hurt like hell. He had a three hour practice and another three hours of library duty and only after that, he found time to do his own studying, he must have fallen asleep. He closed his books and put them in his bag, swung it over his shoulder and made his way out of the library.

He walked down the lone hallways and listened to his footsteps echo around him. He had forgotten how quiet Hogwarts could be when everyone was in the common rooms. Scorpius and Albus used to sneak out at night almost on a regular basis, but recently they hadn't had a lot of time to do it since they were always so busy. He missed those nights, the thrill of sneaking out, staying up all night hiding from teachers, watching everyone wake up to find half their common room turned upside down or messages written on the wall. He smiled remembering.

At night the castle didn't seem so big, now the corridors seemed to go on for days, and his sore legs weren't helping. It seemed to take double the time to get to his dormitory, but that wasn't at all bad, he was trying to avoid Rose. Not because he was mad at her, but because she was mad at him. Rose had been ignoring Scorpius all week, even after Scorpius had done everything in his power to get her to talk to him again. He took over her library duty, her night duty, he took her breakfast to bed every morning but nothing got her to speak to him. Why did she even care that much about Eva?

After taking a shower and getting a dressed, Scorpius headed to breakfast. It was still very early and the Great Hall was empty. He casually poured himself a cup of coffee and opened his advanced spell book and read away.

After what felt like only a few minutes, he felt a harsh hand on his back. "Hey, Man." Albus greeted his friend. "You're early."

"I fell asleep in the library," Scorpius closed his book, his peace and quiet was over. "I didn't bother to go back to bed." Albus stared at his friend.

"No luck with Rose, huh?" He asked.

"Not one bit," Scorpius sighed. "But you know what? It's her fault I fell asleep in the library. If it wasn't for her and her stupid tantrum I wouldn't have to bring her breakfast every day for the week. It's her fault I'm sleep deprived!" He waved his hands in the air. "I give up! I'm not going to try get her to speak to me. If she wants to speak to me, she knows where to find me. I'm not letting myself get treated like this. I'm done!"

"You go dude," Albus nodded and smirked as he watched his friend take an angry sip of coffee. Just the Rose walked past behind him. Scorpius took a double take and quickly swallowed his coffee.

"Rose!" He exclaimed after her. "You look beautiful today!" She ignored him. "I miss you!" He watched her with longing eyes as she sat down on the opposite table, her back facing him.

"That's going great." Albus laughed.

"Shut it." Albus laughed some more. Soon enough, Marlene and Zabini walked into the Great Hall. Marlene wore a mischievous smile plastered on her face and Zabini just look flat out annoyed.

They both sat down across the two friends. Marlene stared at then eagerly at first, but then her expression shifted and became more of a questioning stare.

"So you don't know?" She asked, concerned.

"Know what?" The boys asked in unison.

"Oh my god they don't know," Marlene stared at Zabini with a shocked expression, his eyes went wide and he swiftly grabbed the butter knife Albus held in his hand.

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