Accused Of Murder

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Scorpius woke up with a start.

"There are Aurors downstairs ." Rose breathed as she barged into Scorpius's room. "They're searchering our rooms!"

"What!? Why!?"

"I don't know, but you need to hide the letters-quick! I'll distract them."

Rose stormed out of the room leaving Scorpius in a confused mess. He scrambled out of bed and grabbed every paper that contained information about the Order and began a frantic search for a hiding spot.

Than he tripped over the answer, literally. A wooden plank was tilted upwards. He quickly forced the plank to open a little more and squeezed the letters inside.

He ran to his closet and got dressed and rushed down the stairs. When he got there, he found five Aurors searching the room up and down. Midst all this, Rose and her father looked like they were having a disagreement.

"That this is going nowhere you're being counter productive." Rose corssed her arms.

"Just let us work, Rose." Ron brushed her off.

"Good morning, Mr Weasley." Scorpius got in the middle of the two and stretched out his hand to greet his girlfriend's dad.

"Scorpius," Ron shook his hand. Clearly Rose hadn't informed him of the news, he was being too civil.

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything but, may I ask why you are here?" Scorpius asked politely.

"We're searching the castle for clues about the murder." Ron answered.

"I thought that had been taken care off..."

"Well, it hasn't," Ron walked past the two. "I have to get back to work." 

Rose looked at Scorpius."I need to speak to you, dad."


"It's really important," She pleaded. "It will only take five minutes."

"Oh com'on-"

"Please!" Rose insisted.

"Fine." Ron huffed. With that Rose grabbed her Father's hand and exited the room. They stopped just a few meters away from the door.

"Okay, so, dad." Rose started hesitantly. "You're not going to like what I'm about to tell you but there is nothing you can do to change my mind. So, after I tell you you can argue all you want but I won't hear a thing-"

"C'mon Rose. Hurry." Ron interrupted.

Rose room a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "I'm dating Scorpius Malfoy."

Ron stared at his daughter, speechless.


"Scorpius's and I are-"

"I heard what you said." He shook his head. "I can't believe you.Unbelievable."

"Dad, please..." Rose tried to explain. "Even uncle Harry likes Scorpius! Why is it so bad?"

"He's a Malfoy." Ron spat. "You can get a much better man than that!"

"That's not fair, I-"

"I order you to stay away from him!" Ron fumed, "His parents are Death Eaters! He's dangerous and he's using you!"

"They were Death Eaters and he is not using me!" Rose exclaimed angrily. "But if I was to follow that logic, I'd better off stay away from everyone, because, I don't know if you've noticed, most of my friends have parents that have made bad decisions, but that doesn't mean their children will follow their footsteps and it surely doesn't mean you get to assume things like that of him or anyone else!"

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