A Disastrous Christmas Party

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Loud music filled the Head Girl and Boy Dormitory. It was the annual Potter/Malfoy Christmas party and the mood was light and everyone was having fun. People were dancing, drinking, laughing, playing truth or dare and just having a great time, as always.

This years party was the biggest yet. Because Scorpius had a dormitory for himself, they had the freedom to invite anyone they wanted, regardless of their house or year.

Scorpius, Albus, Toby, Dylan and Thomas stood by the far end wall of the dormitory observing the crowd and making fun of everyone's ridiculous dancing.

"Look at them," Toby laughed pointing at a group of Hufflepuff's that had obviously drunk too much.

"What about them!" Albus burst out laughing while pointing at Alec McCarthy and his minions, who looked like monkeys. "Who even invited them?"

Scorpius shrugged, he didn't really care, tonight he wasn't in the mood for fights.

They continued scanning the crowd but Scorpius spotted something, someone, that caught his eye. Rose. She was dancing in a circle with Aurora, Roxanne and Dominique and was laughing about something Roxanne had said. Her smile lit up the room.

Rose was dressed in a beige sparkly crop top and black skinny jeans, she was also wearing some makeup, and even though Scorpius's preferred it when girls didn't wear it, he couldn't help but admire the way it made her features stand out.

"Who are you staring at?" Albus elbowed Scorpius.

"No one," Scorpius responded quickly.

"I thought her name was Rose," Albus smirked.

"Aurora looks great tonight, doesn't she?" Scorpius retaliated. Albus laughed sarcastically.

"You know what else looks great?" Albus asked. "The drinks." With that, Albus made his way through the crowd to the table while Scorpius just laughed at his friend.


The night continued and by now it was late enough for all the younger people to leave, all who stayed behind were the seniors and a few sixth years. Scorpius was surrounded by all his friends on the dance floor, it was the climax of the party. Suddenly, he felt someone fall on top of him. He turned just in time to catch the body, who belonged to his blond friend Aurora, that was half-past out.

"Oh my god!" Rose gasped.

"How much did she drink?" Scorpius asked.

"Not much, someone must have put something in her drink," she answered.

"Take her to my room," he ordered. "I'll find out who did it." Rose nodded and flung Aurora's arm over her shoulder.

She clumsily climbed the stairs to Scorpius's room which was empty, unlike her's which was being used as a chamber for truth or dare and snogging couples. No one dared to enter Scorpius's room. She never really got why people were afraid of him, Rose only knew Scorpius as the caring friend.

Rose laid Aurora on the bed, she fell asleep right away. Rose sighed. She didn't realise how exhausted she was until she sat down on the bed. Rose liked parties but they weren't really her favourite thing in the world and she didn't drink much either, she hated the effect alcohol had on her or on her friends.

She stared around Scorpius's room, she had only been here a few times before and never had the chance to take a good look at it. Everything was very organised, Scorpius was probably the only boy Rose knew that was this neat. His furniture was clean, there was nothing on the floor and his desk was immaculate. Rose smiled when she spotted a picture of her and the blond boy hung over his desk, she walked over to it.

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