Deep Talks

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Aurora squealed, "I always knew he liked you! Always!" Rose couldn't help but smile at the thought.

Rose and Aurora were sitting on Rose's bed, and Rose had just told Aurora what Scorpius told her the night before. She stayed up all night thinking about it, it gave her butterflies. Ever since the start of seventh year, Rose had been building up feelings for Scorpius, but she knew that they didn't have a chance. But that was until the night before.

Scorpius was the fling type of guy, he was usually with girls because of their looks and not their personalities. Rose always knew she didn't have a chance with him, she always thought she wasn't pretty enough, too indistinct to be noticed by him. She was also afraid. Afraid of rejection and afraid of losing him. They were best friends and Rose couldn't imagine her life without Scorpius. 

"Wow, calm down Aurora." Rose said, "No one said he liked me."

"Oh, come on!" Aurora got up from the bed and went over to Rose's side "Rose you're a fox, intelligent and passionate!" She said in a sing song voice, while she mock caressed Rose's face. Rose laughed, "Come on Rose open your eyes. He's head over heels for you!"

"Plus!" She continued. "He hasn't been with someone since school started..." Rose grinned like an idiot.

"There is hope then..." Aurora nodded. This time they both squealed and jumped around like little children.

Suddenly the door burst open. "What the hell is going on!?" Scorpius exclaimed. Aurora and Rose laughed. 

"It's nothin-" Rose started but was interrupted by Aurora.

"Rose has a little crush!" Scorpius face dropped, even though it was just for a fraction of a second, Rose saw it. She felt butterflies in her stomach. 

"Whom may that be?" He asked prompting himself against the door frame. "Do I know him?"

"Maybe..." Rose shrugged. 

"Is he Gryffindor?" 

"Maybe..." Aurora answered.

"Come one, tell me!" He pleaded. "I beg you!"

"You'll have to figure it out for yourself," Rose smirked. 

"I see..." He said. Before walking out the door, he turned to Rose. "I'm going to find out who he is, even if it's the last thing I do." 

"Good luck with that." Aurora laughed, Rose nudged her in the ribs but it only made her laugh even harder. Scorpius gave then a weird look before closing the door behind him.

"He looked like a kicked puppy," Aurora said between laughs. 

"An extremely cute kicked puppy," Rose added. 

"You are so in love," Aurora rolled her eyes.

What the two didn't know was that Scorpius had his ear pressed against the wall, listening to every word.  


"I swear to god that's what I heard," Scorpius insisted. 

"I believe you!" Albus said. "It's just weird, that's all." 

The two friends sat in the library, Scorpius had just finished telling Albus what he'd heard. At first, Albus was not fully convinced but deep down he always knew Rose had a thing for Scorpius. 

"It is," Scorpius said. There was a moment of silence.

"Well... Do you like her?" Albus asked.

"I'm not sure... She's my best friend. I never really thought about us being together." He paused. "But lately, every time I see her I get this feeling, I don't know how to explain it. I never felt it with anybody else, but I'm not sure what it is." 

"Maybe its love?" Albus asked teasingly.

"For all I know it might be," Scorpius answered truthfully. "It really might be."

"I'm all for it." Albus said. "Just on't rush things. With yourself or her." 

"I won't," Scorpius reassured.

"Oh! And for christ sake please don't flirt with her too much," Albus added. "I will feel physical pain watching you." Scorpius hit him on the side of the head. Albus hit him back, and that's when they started a full-on fight in the library. 

"Merlin's beard will you two stop it!" Exclaimed Lily potter as she watched the two fight. 

"You two look like ten-year olds." Added an annoyed Roxanne. Dominique stood behind her cousins with an amused grin splattered on her face.  

The two boys got up from the floor and brushed the dust of their clothes. 

"You're such a pain," Albus scolded at his sister and cousin.

"That's because I have you as a brother!" She snapped.

Just as Albus was about to reply, someone from the opposite table shushed them. They all gave her apologetic looks.

Scorpius looked at the clock. "Bloody hell, look at the time! See you later, guys!" with that he ran out of the library to the prefect meeting.

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