At The Station

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Scorpius and his family arrived at the station early, as usual. He said goodbye to His grandma before crossing the barrier, she couldn't stand the dirty looks people gave her, so she never crossed to the other side. 

He was almost skipping with joy as he walked throw the crowd of people. He missed his friends. He spent most of his holidays in France and then he went to New York and finally on a cruise somewhere exotic halfway around the world and when he was back home, his friends were out somewhere, so it was like the first time he had seen his friends in almost three months.

Shortly after, Mathew was off with his friends and Scorpius was off looking for Aurora, certainly the only one that would be here this early, even if it was just 10:45.

Soon enough he found her talking to her mom, who looked like she was about to leave (her dad was already at Hogwarts). Scorpius crept up behind her and placed his hands over her eyes.

"Malfoy, I know it's you," she turned around and beamed at him. "Your hands are way too cold to belong to anyone but a Malfoy."

"They're cold like our hearts," he laughed. "Come here!" He pulled her into a hug. Aurora was like a little sister to Scorpius. She always managed to warm up his heart no matter what, he admired her kindness. There was this tranquillity about her, she always in her little bubble, oblivious to the ones around her, but underneath that calmness, Aurora was bold and carefree.

Scorpius greeted Luna Longbottom and small talked, just as he turned his head he spotted his best friend Albus, surrounded by redheads. Aurora was giving her last goodbyes to her mom, so Scorpius left unnoticed, he squeezed past all the people and finally came close enough for the family to spot him.

"Scorpius!", "Hey man!", "Albus, look its Scorpius", "Hey there, Malfoy", "Scorpius dear!" "Blondie!" Was all you could hear as Scorpius was greeted by the family with warmth and love.

He loved the Weasley/Potters like his own family. Despite their families past they accepted Scorpius with open arms. He couldn't express how great full he was for it. Scorpius was like a member of the family by now, the Potters and Weasleys loved him, he was always invited to stay over at the burrow during the holidays, he even spent some Christmas's with them.

"Albus!" Scorpius exclaimed as he saw his friend, he hugged him. "How was your summer?"

"It was great, I assume yours was too," he winked. This summer Scorpius had a "thing" with a girl, Eva,  he met her on the cruise. They actually dated, and even if it was just for about a week it was something unimaginable for someone like Scorpius.

"Yes, my friend, you assume right."

"Have you told Rose yet?"

"Tell Rose what?" About Eva? Why would he be asking me if I told her about Eva? Did Albus tell her about Eva? Scorpius knew that dating Eva had been a mistake, she was a good friend, but Scorpius wasn't really the epitome of the perfect boyfriend, far from that actually, and neither was Eva. For this reason, he only told Albus and Uriah Zabini, (his closest guy friends) about their relationship. He thought it was best not to tell Rose because, never mind.

"Tell her your Head boy you dumbass," Oh that.

"No, I'm just going to get dressed in my uniform and let her figure it out for herself," he smirked. He couldn't wait to see her reaction.

"I think she'll jinx you."

"Or stab me or worst! Who knows? I just want a good laugh." Just as he finished his sentence he saw her. Rose. Rose, with her petite figure, long dark brown hair and those flashing green eyes, she was beautiful, no she was more than that, she was striking. He felt butterflies in his stomach when they made eye contact. That's a first. Why did that just happen? Why did i just feel this in my stomach?

He pushed the thought to the back of his head and grinned at her. He stretched out his arms as Rose sprinted into his arms making him stumble back a little, but also hold her tighter. He felt electricity charged through him when they touched. He inhaled her sent, she smelled like forest and books with a touch of vanilla. How he missed her.

"Rosie!" He exclaimed "I missed you!"

"I missed you too blondie!"

"Umm what about me?" Albus must always ruin the moment. "Don't I deserve a hug too?" She let go of Scorpius and glared at her cousin.

"I saw you two days ago you lunkhead!" Scorpius laughed, only Rose would called someone lunkhead.

"A long two days without the presence of my sweet sweet cousin," Just then, a loud excited squeal ringed at the ears of the three friends and they all turned around to see a happy looking Aurora. Of course.

Aurora came crashing in and engulfed Rose in a hug that made them both fell to the ground. Scorpius and Albus just stared at them for a few seconds but soon enough they too, were on the ground, laughing. This is how it has and will always be with the quartet.

As soon as they all got up and collected themselves Aurora squealed again and lounged at Albus, oh my god.

"I missed you Severus!" Albus laughed. With anyone but Aurora, he would have probably punched them in the face by calling him Severus.

Aurora and Albus always had a thing going on, they were always flirting with eachother but both were too thick-headed to acknowledge it. Well, Albus was, Aurora confessed the feelings she had for him to Scorpius last year. She was more like having a full on break down. Albus was a player, like Scorpius, she had her breakdown when he was off with Malissa Finnigan (ew), knowing that she had bullied Aurora for years. She had lost all hope. Even before she had given him thousands of hints for him to ask her out, but he was too blind to see it.

"Missed you too Aurora", as Albus said these words a loud noise escaped the train, signalling it was almost time to go. The four friends scrambled for their trunks and other belongings and said their final goodbyes to their families as they hopped the train, that was already on its way.

And like this another year began.

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