Chapter 19

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Four Months Later

"Alright, this is a big moment. Are you ready?"

I nodded furiously, almost having tears in my eyes. This is a moment I've only dreamed about!

"Okay and one...two...three." The doctor took my oxygen tubes out of my nose and watched me closely. I took a small breath, then a little bit bigger one, then a little more until I took in a big one and breathed it out. No one in the room could believe it.

I was breathing on my own.

"Oh, my girl," my mom cried as she brought me into a hug. My dad came over, trying to contain his tears, but failing. "I'm so proud of you, kiddo," he said, kissing my spiked hair. I wiped away my own tears as I said, "I couldn't have done it with you guys. Without you, Ben, Lee, and Aaron, I don't think I'd be here."

My cancer wasn't gone, but it cleared out of my bones and my lungs. I still have some "leftovers" as the doctors called it, but it's nothing the chemo couldn't get rid of.

By the time I left the doctor's, it was lunchtime at school. Mom and dad dropped me off and I practically ran to the cafeteria. Man, it felt amazing to be able to do that again! It felt amazing to not be having to drag an oxygen tank behind me!

When I got to the cafeteria, I spotted my friends looking glum. I think they always were whenever I was in the hospital, but wait until they see me! I walked quickly over, earning some attention. I got shocked and surprised looks from almost everyone.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, standing next to my usual seat. Ben, Lee and Aaron's heads all shot up. The look of shock on their faces could not be more comical. "Oh my God," Lee said, "look at you!" She shot up from her seat and gave me bear hug.

"I haven't seen you like this since we were five!" I didn't even think about that! I didn't think about how she's basically only known me to have an oxygen tank on. Aaron practically pushed her out of the way to give me an even bigger hug.

When we pulled apart, Ben was just standing up. He stared at me for the longest time, it was almost worrying. "Um...surprise?" I said. His answer was skimming his fingers over where my oxygen tubes would be, then cupping my face.

He leaned in and gave me the best kiss I had ever received from him. It was a full on the mouth, noses smushed together, no worrying about anything being in the way kind of kiss. His other hand ran down the side of my face, almost as if he needed to believe the tubes were gone.

After several minutes, he pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. "I love you," he breathed out. I breathed out a hearty laugh and told him, "I know." I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him into the same kiss he did with me.

He walked me to class after lunch was over, risking to be late to his own. "I don't want to leave you," he said against my cheek as he held me close. "I don't want to leave you, either," I told him. He smiled, then glanced around before saying, "Let's get out of here."

I gave him a double take. "What?" I asked, not believing what he just said. He chuckled, then took my hand and started walking. I know I shouldn't have followed, but I couldn't help myself. It's like I was floating behind him.

We managed to sneak out of the school, then started running. Where we were going, I had no idea, but I didn't care. We ended up at his car and he drove us far into the woods. When he parked, we got out and started running again. "Where are we going?" I asked as I laughed.

He turned to me and said, "No idea!" I laughed even harder and allowed myself to be pulled into nowhere. Eventually, we stopped to catch our breaths. "Come here," Ben said, pulling me into another kiss. I wrapped my arms completely around his neck and held him close to me.

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