43. Pregnant

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"Ugh" I groan as I lean against the cabinets, holding my head in my hands.

"Still not feeling good?" Josh asks as he walks into our bathroom. We had been back from Disney for almost three weeks and I had been sick almost every day since. I got sick the morning we left and chalked it up to being nervous about the flight but it only got worse once we got home.

"I feel like shit" I mutter in frustration. "Did you wake up Emma?" I ask hopefully.

"I did" he nods. "Don't worry. She's all ready for school" he assures me.

"Thank you" I sigh, standing up and bracing myself against the sink. "Aren't you gonna be late?" I ask worriedly.

"Perks of working at a family run business" he chuckles as he leans against the sink beside me. "I can stay home with you if you need me to."

"No" I shake my head. "You need to go to work. I'll be fine."

"You sure?" I nod.

"Positive" I assure him as Emma comes rushing into the room.

"I'm gonna be late" she reminds Josh as she stands in the doorway with her hands on her hips. Josh laughs as he kneels down and scoops her up.

"Yea, yea" he nods. "Say goodbye to mommy."

"Bye mommy" she waves making a smile pull at my lips.

"Bye baby girl" I reply, blowing her a kiss before they walk out of the room. I wait to hear the front door slam shut before heading back into the bedroom and pulling out the pregnancy test I had bought yesterday. I knew it was a long shot; hardly anyone got pregnant this easily but I had all the symptoms. I hadn't told Josh I was late because the last thing I wanted to do was get his hopes up.

I walk back into the bathroom and pull the test from the box. I quickly take two of them and place them on the counter, setting the timer for five minutes. I bite my lip as I pace the bathroom floor. I wanted them to be positive so bad and I knew Josh would be thrilled.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing and I groan, picking it up to find Lucas' name lighting up the screen. I sigh, answering the call. "Huckleberry this isn't a good time."

"Riley's in labor. Like for real Maya. The baby is coming. You need to get here" he says seriously. My eyes widen.

"I'll be there as soon as I can" I assure him before hanging up the phone. I dial Josh's number and he picks up on the third ring.

"Yes?" he questions.

"Riley's in labor. Turn around and come pick me up."

"Are you serious?" he exclaims. "I'll be there as soon as I can" he says before hanging up on me. I move to leave the bathroom when I remember the tests sitting on the counter. I swallow harshly as I reopen the timer.

Time was up.

I move towards the counter slowly and tears fill my eyes when I look down at the results. I take one and place it under the sink before tossing the other in the trash. I scurry into the bedroom, getting dressed quickly while attempting not to totally freak out.

I was pregnant.


"You feeling better?" Josh asks as the three of us wait in the waiting room. Emma was playing with blocks in front of us while Josh and I sat in chairs waiting for any word.

"Much" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "It seems to just be a morning thing" I shrug.

"A morning thing?" he quirks an eyebrow at me. I shrug innocently as a grin spreads across Josh's face.

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