Deserved it

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Later that night I did have a nightmare, I had many nightmares but this one was the one that really scared. It was the same stuff I've been seeing, but this time I felt worse. I was really terrified. Because that time the tables were turned and I was the one who got killed. But as always I shot up sweating and with tears streaming down my face. "Are you ok?" Link groaned as he sat up. All night I had been keeping him up, I felt so bad for waking him every few hours.

"Yeah." I looked out the window and saw it was now pitch black out. The rain had stopped along with the thunder.

"Do you need anything? Water? Food?"

"No," I shook my head, "I'm sorry for waking you." I lied back down, he didn't though. He just stared at me looking annoyed.

"Don't apologize for that." He lied back down. He could barely keep his eyes open because of how tired he was. "Try and sleep some more." He softly said, drifting off to sleep. He placed his hand on my waist and buried his face in my neck before quickly falling back asleep. I couldn't sleep though, I was scared too sleep. I didn't want to wake up to another nightmare. Instead I ran my hand through Links soft hair. He still had it in a small ponytail that barely held in his hair. I undid it making it easier for me to run my hands through his hair. He smiled in his sleep.

Eventually I ended up falling asleep again. This time I stayed asleep until morning. I woke up calmly and rubbed my eyes, Link pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly. "Good morning." I softly said while running my hand through his hair. He smiled and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey." Hey yawned. "Did you sleep well?" I nodded. "That's good." He hadn't stopped hugging my waist. I found it comforting whenever we were together. "Are you hungry?"

"Not really."

"Alright, we can eat something on the way there." He got out of bed and stretched. As I watched him get up and out of bed I got another feeling inside me, I think I was falling for him. I shook it off and got out of bed to get dressed.

We got our bags ready and got dressed to leave. I was hyped to see my mother again. Even if just for a bit I was excited. I missed her dearly. I ate a fruit as we walked out of the house and got our horses saddled up.

"Are you sure you wanna go?" He asked. "I'm sure she understands why you left."

"I wanna make sure." He smiled.

"Let's go then."

As we left I saw Manny by the entrance, he waved at us to stop so we did. We both didn't want to stop but we felt bad for the guy. He saw us as friends, I don't think anyone in the Village was friends with him.

"You guys are leaving again? You just got back."

"I've got some things to take care of." I looked down at him. He gave me a strange look and quickly glanced at my chest. I frowned at him but he didn't notice.

"Well tomorrow night is our annual Village Festival. It's quite a blast so I hope you guys can make it." He smiled.

"We'll try." Link said. "Let's get going so we can make it back in time." I nodded and we trotted off.

This time we galloped most of the way there. I didn't want to stay too long, I didn't like the stable. Our plan was to go, say what I need to say, and leave. Nothing more nothing less.

The scenery on the way never failed to amuse me. Along with the rhythmic sound of the horses hooves hitting the dirt and the wind, it all felt great.

Once the horses began getting tired we slowed down and trotted the rest of the way. Soon we were back in Akkala. I kinda missed the cool breeze and the orange trees, everything about Akkala was calm. We crossed the bridge where we first met again, the stream was calm just as I remembered. We continued on the trail and passed Terry Town. The orange sun began to hide in the mountains making the sky a beautiful golden yellow color. We were getting close to the stable and I began wanting to turn back, Link was probably right. She most likely already knew why I left.

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