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Link snatched the letter out of my hands and read it again.

"What the fuck is this??" He growled. Zelda and I glanced at each other before Link spoke again. "(Y/n) you're not doing this." He told me.


"I'm not letting you go anywhere near this place! Ever." His voice was stern.

"Link it's my brother! I'm going to help." I told him.


"Link we need her if we want to get him back." Zelda squeezed her way into the conversation.

"Zelda she's not going anywhere!" He glared at Zelda then back at me. "I don't give a shit if he's your brother. You aren't going anywhere, I will fix this!" I tried to speak.


"That's final!" He sternly said. I stayed quiet and frowned.

"Link don't say that!" Zelda exclaimed.

"She's more important to me than he is!"

"Link we'll figure something out but for now she's the only way we can get him back." Zelda said.

"If it's gonna be like that then I'm not helping. I won't be a part of putting her in danger and if you think I'm going to step aside and let you put her in danger you're wrong." Link growled. "She stays here and that's final." We all stayed quiet while Link calmed down.

"You're a jerk!" I broke the silence.


"I said you're a fucking jerk!" I pushed him. "He's my brother!! And you're gonna let him stay with the yiga clan instead of helping?!" I hit his chest. "I'm helping!" I angrily said. "I don't care what you say Link, I'm helping!"

"Oh so now you change your mind?!" He snapped back. "You wouldn't let me help but now you do?!" He shouted at me.

"It's different! Know we know he's alive and we know a location!" I retorted.

"We don't know anything! That was sent weeks ago! They probably killed him and are saying this so we'll hand you over! But too bad for them because I'm not letting you leave this damn castle!" He yelled at me. I felt myself tearing up. Links face softened as he realized what he had done.

"I hate you!!" I pushed him again. "You're an asshole Link! You don't know what my brother means to me! What he means to my mother and my father!!" I shoved him again. "I'm not going to sit by here while they're probably torturing him as we speak!" He grabbed my arms before I could push him again. "Let go!" I growled and squirmed around trying to get loose. He just held my wrists tighter making it harder for me to move. "Link you're hurting me!"

"Calm down then!" He said. I frowned at him and stopped moving. He let go of me and sighed. I began smacking and pushing his chest again out of anger. Instead of holding my arms to stop me he swung me over his shoulder. "Zelda do you mind, we need to chat." He held my thighs. I groaned and sighed went limp.

"I'll be in my study." The door closed and Link started walking.

"You're being ridiculous." He told me.

"And you're being an ass!" I said and smacked his butt.

"I mean it (Y/n)! This isn't some silly adventure anymore! Lives are on the line." He sat me down on the desk and held my arms.

"Just like last time right? Lives were on the line and you almost got yourself killed because you didn't know anything!"

"And you'll end up the same or worse! (Y/n) I've had experience in combat! I know what it's like on the body and mind! You can't handle shit!" He said. "You killed a bokoblin and puked, stabbed a clan member and wouldn't leave the bed for days!"

"So having human emotions means I can't help my brother??"

"No, it means I'm not letting you get close to those people."

"I don't care what you say!" I squirmed around. "I'm helping!"

"(Y/n) quit it!" He raised his voice.

"You quit it!" I continued trying to get out of his grip. "He's my brother Link!"

"And your my fiancé! I care about you more!!"

Our argument was cut short by a knock on the door. I tried to escape his grip again while he was distracted.

"(Y/n) quit it!"

"Then let go!" I hissed. He frowned and swung me over his shoulder again. "Put me down Link! I don't wanna talk to you anymore!"

"Too bad." He walked over to the door and opened it.

"Oh, are you two ok? The whole castle can hear you." I heard my mother say.

"We're fine." Link said.

"No we're not!" I shouted. "He doesn't want me to help with getting my brother back!"

"Neither do your father and I! We read the letter and we can't lose you either darling."

"Mom!" Link set me down so I could talk to her. "I wanna help!"

"Sweetheart it's too risky, I mean look at Link. He knew what he was doing and he still got injured, badly. You're father and I don't want you to get hurt and neither does Link." She said.

"I've tried telling her that, but she won't listen." Link looked over at me.

"Fine! Don't get him back. I'll just stay in bed and do nothing." I marched over to the bed and threw myself into it. My mother and Link said something before the door closed.

I heard footsteps walk towards the bed and felt Link lie down next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards me.

"Go away." I sniffled.

"Baby don't cry. I know you want to help but I don't want you leaving this castle." He buried his face in my neck.

"It's not fair," I turned around to face Link, "he doesn't have any part in this. My brother never did anything to hurt anyone."

"I know." Link wiped my tears. "They do that, and I'm sorry, it's my fault. They're using you and your family to get to me, but I'll fix this. I'll get him back." He kissed my forehead. "I promise."

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