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A few days went by and we both discussed getting a dog more. We went and shopped for a dog bed and toys for the new family member we'd soon have. I was excited about a dog, they're so sweet and carefree. We asked around for a breeder and some people told us there was one in Kakariko Village. I couldn't get my mind off of puppies and playing with them. I daydreamed about playing with puppies and getting many puppy kisses.

"(Y/n)!" Link said snd snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I smiled at him.

"Are you sure you want a dog? It's a big responsibility."

"Yes I want a dog.. do you want a dog?"


"Link I want us to raise a dog like we'd raise a child."

"A dog is nothing like a child." He told me.

"Well duh, but it's close enough. Plus they're cute and I really want a puppy here for when you're gone."

"I won't be gone as much anymore."

"I know but you still go to the castle every other month and I get lonely." I slouched down on my chair.

"I know, but Zelda is about to have her baby and I wanna be there for when it's born." He held my hands.

"To make sure it's yours?"

"To make sure it's not." I sighed and looked down at his hands.

"Is that why you're leaving again?" He stayed quiet. "Link you can't expect me to not find out you're packing clothes, I do your laundry." I scoffed.

"I was going to tell you." He softly said.

"It's fine.." I smiled and placed his hand on my face. "I understand."

"I hate leaving, you know that." He gently rubbed my cheek.

"I know..." I kissed his hand. "I hope the baby is born healthy! You have to tell me all about it when you get back." He laughed. "When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning." He stated.

"Really? So soon? When were you going to tell me?"

"I know I'm sorry! But I'll write you letters everyday."

"You better." I giggled.

"I will, but before I leave I have a surprise!"

"Another one?"

"Yes. Come with me to the yard." He got up. I curiously followed him out the back door. "Ok stay right here!" He stopped me and ran around the corner. I stood there waiting for a while until he came around the corner holding something. When he got closer I realized what it was. A puppy!! (Australian Shepherd, they're very cute). My heart was racing!

"You did not!"

"This is Moo, Seldon got her for us yesterday." He smiled.

"I didn't think you'd actually get one." He handed me the dog.

"All that shopping for supplies would've gone to waste." He laughed. "Plus you'll need the company when I'm gone."

"Thanks babe!" I kissed him. I pat Moo. Her fur was soft and long. Her eyes were two different colors, blue and brown. Her fur was almost silverish with black spots (like a cow) and brown on her legs. We walked back inside and I couldn't get enough of Moo. She was so precious, and her name was perfect. Moo.

"Anyways, I need to finish packing." He kissed my forehead. "I'll try and visit if I get the chance but no promises."

"I know, you say that every time." Moo had fallen asleep on my lap. I smiled as I pat her soft ears and snout. Link was walking in and out getting his stuff ready for his trip.

Travel Buddies: Link X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now