I'm sorry

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(Y/n)'s POV

I got Eva from the stables and ran out of the town with her. I just wanted to forget Link, forget everything we'd done. I knew he was too good to be true. I wanted to calm myself down and forget the last few months of my life.

After running through the field I began regretting everything I said. I told him I hated him and that I never wanted to see him. I hated myself for saying that to him. He was so hurt. I didn't deserve him. I wiped my tears. I looked up at the beautiful blue sky. Maybe not being together would be better for us.

Suddenly a blue beam passed in front of me and blew up a tree a few feet away from me. Eva kicked me off of her out of fear and ran off leaving me gasping for air on the ground. "What the hell was that?" I mumbled and got up. I looked to where the beam came from and I knew I was fucked. It was a guardian a few meters away from me.  I was staring death in the face, I couldn't move I just sat on the ground paralyzed in fear. I wanted to get up but my body wouldn't move. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't outrun it, without Eva. I then began to think about everything I'd done in my life, My last words to the man I love were "I hate you". I didn't want my last words to him to he that, so I chose to do something and try to survive. I looked over at Eva and saw her a bit further away than the guardian grazing on the grass. I continued to scan the field until I noticed time ruins I could hide in. I thought about everything I'd done in my life, and regretting so many of them.

I didn't want to give up on my life. I got up and sprinted towards Eva. And again another explosion behind me causing me to fall. I whistled for her on the ground as I hid in the tall grass, she started running towards me. I knew I had to get on while she was still running or we would probably die. So I focused. She was inches away and I stood up and grabbed her reins and swung onto her saddle while she ran. I heard another explosion behind us. "Good girl Eva." I pat her. I looked back and the Guardian was still after me. Eva kept running faster towards the brick ruins.

Before I could reach it there was an explosion right under Eva and I that sent us both flying into the air about two stories. Time seemed to slow down as I flipped in the air. I was no longer on Eva's saddle but instead a few feet above her. I could feel the heat the exposion under us. The guardian was taking aim yet again and all my worries shifted from me to Eva. Time seemed to go back to normal speed. Eva neighed in fear as we came crashing down to the ground. I landed on my side and screamed in pain, tears filled my eyes from the pain. I was pretty sure the wound from being shot with an arrow opened. I looked over at Eva who was lying on the ground, she didn't move and I couldn't see her breathing. "Oh no, no! Eva!" I tried crawling over to her but I was in too much pain from the fall to even move. I looked back at the guardian who was getting ready to kill me. I didn't want to die, not yet, I looked around for somewhere to hide. I saw some rubble that could possibly hide me from the view of the guardian. I gathered all the strength in my body and leapt for the rubble and ducked down. Right then there was an explosion that blew all the rubble away leaving me exposed again. "Fuck." I looked over at the guardian. I made a run for the building hoping that wouldn't be blown away as well. I made it before the guardian could take aim. I hid in a corner where I knew the guardian couldn't get me. I looked down at my side where my bandages were and saw blood. It did open, I didn't care. My body ached and all I wanted to do was cry. I could still hear the guardian outside walking around. The whirring and buzzing as it moved. I peeked outside and saw it beginning to walk off. I looked for Eva and saw her still lying on the ground. Once I was sure the guardian was gone I crawled out of the building and over to her. She wasn't breathing.

"Eva.." I started crying uncontrollably. I held her head and stroked her mane. My tears fell onto her as I continued to stroke her. "I love you girly." I cried. "You didn't deserve this, I'm sorry." This was all my fault. I shouldn't have dragged her into this mess. The sun was beginning to set, I didn't want to leave Eva's side. She was everything to me, and now I've lost everything. My boyfriend, my horse and a part of me also seemed to disappear. All my happiness was drained away.

Soon the pain in my body was beginning to be a bit much. I wanted to give up and just die here with Eva. I had nothing to look forward to. All I did was cry, cry until the sun set. Cry until I had no tears left. My eyes burned from the tears. It felt like I was crying blood. I looked down at my hands and saw they were becoming extremely pale. I knew I was bleeding out. I was so cold. I didn't want to die like this either. I wiped my tears with my cold hands. The world began to spin and I started to feel dizzy. I shed one last tear and then...


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