☆.¸¸. Chapter 3

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People say that falling in love is a hard thing to do. In my opinion, falling from a tree is harder. And  more physically painful. And less emotional. And less troublesome.

Now that I think about it I prefer falling from a tree than to fall in love any day ... JUST NOT TODAY! 

How in the world could I miss a step!? I've been climbing trees since I was a kid and I could be called a pro at it.

Now was not the time to be a clutz and loose my footing. But because of my great body coordination, I just had to screw up. 

Luck seems to never be on my side. 

The tree wasn't even that high but it felt like ages before I could reach the cold hard ground. I guess you could say  time slowed down for me while I was going through the whole ordeal. Does this happen when a person is going to meet their maker? If so might as well think of every good deed and bad deed I have done in my lifetime. I think I've done more bad than good. 

"Oh gosh! Someone help!" 

I was planning to say a few prayers to make sure I'm on St. Peters good book before my mortal life ends but I blattered out different words. I was so sure that if I was going to die, I was going to accept it. Turns out I'm still not prepared. Heck, I am prepared. I just didn't think that I'd die from such a lame cause. 

I kept my eyes shut for a few minutes before I noticed that I wasn't falling anymore. I was on a safe, and might I add soft, object that I couldn't quite explain what it was. But I'm in no place to complain. This was much better than falling to an uncertain death. 

"Can you get off me?" a cold and lifeless voice said. 

I raised my head and was met with a pair of dull grey eyes. It was looking directly at me, but they looked as if they were looking pass me. A look that showed no interest whatsoever. It was enticing at the same time frightening. How can human eyes look that blank? 

When my senses came back, I felt a sudden rush of heat to my cheeks. 

What's more embarassing than falling off a tree in a dress looking like an escaped mental patient? 

Well, falling onto someone, that probably has a net value more than whatever you'll achieve in your lifetime,  from a tree, in a dress, while looking like an escaped mental patient. 

THAT! Is definitely embarassing. 

Those dull grey eyes belonged to no one other than the eldest son of the most powerful business tycoon in the world.The highest ranked Elite of the Tier 2 and the other half of the Legendary Visual Duo. Yes, I, Aveline dela Cruz, fell onto the Night Lawson. 

"I'm sorry!" I quickly got off of him and apologized. 

If someone caught us in that compromising position, it would be the headlight of our news website for six months straight.

It looked like it came straight out of a rated magazine. Want me to explain  how we looked? Well it was...

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