meet the killers

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The door swung open gently creaking as it was moved aside. Matt saw them two figures of humans but too inhumane to be. One, a female with a pillow case tightly wrapped from her head to neck tieing off at the end of her neck, she wore a nurses outfit, now matt noticed how she levitated off the ground as well as shoeless. The other figure was big and broad, dawning a white mask with two small holes that was where his eyes are, dull green overalls and boots, shards of tools lodged in his shoulder, at the sight of this gave matt nausea. So your the new guy the man said. Not speaking matt took a step back. Now now don't run from us we'll have you know there is no escaping this place the woman said. Matts vocal cords were tied up and a lump caught in his throat. Out of the two instincts he could choose, either fight or flight he was definitely choicing flight. Finding a burst of adrenaline matt burst towards the two that blocked the doorway that lead to his escape to safety. Immediately the two killers took a few steps aside the door matt could feel their malevolent eyes staring at him as he took powerful strides to the door just as he felt a relieving sensation, he fell to the hard wood planks with a unbearable (you'll get the joke later.) Stabbing pain in his knee down. Using all his strength not to scream, he looked down and saw his leg ensnared by a beartrap, blood gushing, tissue teared ( from running then hitting the trap, his leg would still be moved forward thus ripping flesh and tissue) and skin  torn and punctured by the rusty, worn down now blood stained beartrap. Matt cryed out in pain as he pulled at the jaw of the trap attempting to pry the trap off his leg. He thought he heard the man scoff. Should we help him. The woman asked. Nah he can do it himself. The man said. Finally prying the jaws off his blood soaked leg, he fell forward tired from his work to pry the thing off him. Okay time to go pick him up evan. The woman said impatiently. Fine. He said. Being picked up matt felt objects that were lodged in the evan's skin poking matt as he walked.
After a few minutes of matt struggling to  escape  his grasp evan finally the agitation got to him and he slammed matt to the ground, stunning matt after a few angry breaths evan grapped his torn up leg and drug him the rest of the way. As matt slide he noticed people, unrecognizable and blurry to make out but only two of the 7 people followed evan. Then matt came to a room, dark maroon color, evan then let dropped matts now aching leg. Matt watched evan walk out and the two walk in, closing the door.

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