the oath

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Two pair of hands firmly grabbed matt and placed him on a chair, as they then tied leather straps to his hands and ankles confining him to the chair they then proceeded to fasten the straps. Raising a overhead light above matt his blurred vision faded he could make the face that was right front of him. A twisted and demented face, a heavly burnt fave with light blue eyes pryed open wide and the mouth stretched passed the cheeks. Matt imediatly backed his head from the man and in response electricity sputtered from his headgear. Matt looked down with his eyes the mans arm looked like rock with wires and cords throughout the cuts and gashes across his arm.
Look at me. He said. Matt looked back at his face. Now answer me this clearly and honestly. He said their's a easy way and a hard way to this, either you say yes or no. He said. To what. Matt replied. Sign an oath or sign an oath the harder way. He said impatiently. Why. Matt nervously asked afraid to irritate the man. Yes or no. He sternly said. But why and to do what. Matt replied. Well then at least i get to do something exciting dont i sally. He said. Indeed you do carter. She said. Let me tell you something, just say yes it'll be much faster and easier. Carter said. i need to know what. Matt said still dimwittedly persistent. Well you forced me to do this. He said, rubbing his hands together creating enough friction to start the electric currunt around his hand. Woah what are doing. Matt said startled by the eletricity. Carter said nothing and stared at him. He brought his hand to matt left side of his face and forcfully grabbed his cranium. Electricity surged through matt as pain stung at all sides of his head each sting leaving a spreading ache in a radius of the initial sting. Matt shook wildly trying to wear the pain off. Blood shook out of matts mouth, nose, ears, then some out of his eyes that was when carter stopped. Matts head lowered barely having any of his 5 senses register anything but pain, tingling, and ringing. Carter lifted matts saturated face to his. Now yes or no. He said. Barely hearing carter matt couldn't say anything. Well. He said irritated. Spiting out a clot of blood matt was losing consciousness again he wouldn't let himself go through this again before his head dropped he said yes. Standing up carter looked satisfied. Now that was all we needed. He said. Herman turned to sally and nodded his head progressing the next step.

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