Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


       A prison guard led me over to the visiting area and to one of the tables there. I sat down and he walked over but stood nearby as I waited for whoever was going to visit me.

       Another guard opened the door to the room and Kendra walked in, so I prepared myself for the possible yelling that was going to come.

       It never did.

       As soon as Kendra sat down, she said, "You're an idiot. You know that, right?"

       "Kendra, I promise you, it was all in the moment and I didn't mean to use that much force," I said.

       "No, not because of that," Kendra said. "Because..." She looked back and forth to make sure nobody was listening before leaning forward. "I know it wasn't you."

       I sighed. "How did you find out?"

       "That's all you have to say?" Kendra asked. 

       "Well, I really would like to know how you found out because if you found out, it might not take long before the police does and I don't want that happening," I said.

       "Don't worry, they won't find out," Kendra said. "I was told about it and only one other person apart from you knows who really did it. Thought it would be good for me to know since I'm the mother of your kids and to make sure I don't stop you from seeing them. Why, Shaw? Why are you taking the fall?"

       "I think you know why if you know who really did it," I said. "Even though my lawyer said I have a good chance of getting off, there's also a slight chance I could get up to three years in prison. It won't affect me much if I end up getting that sentencing. If I didn't take the fall and the maximum sentencing was given..."

       "Oh, I get it know," Kendra said. "Then that's very heroic of you to do. Still very stupid, but you're not doing it for yourself. I am very worried. I know your lawyer says you have a good chance of getting off, but that's only if he can prove that you had no other choice and... It might not seem that way with your violent past."

       "I know," I said. "I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Holden. Don't worry too much about it, okay?"

       "It's kind of hard not to," Kendra said. "You do know our kids are a wreck now, right? I didn't want to tell them what you did, but they found out somehow since the whole village is talking about it."

       That was the only downside to me taking the fall. I really didn't want my kids being afraid of me or thinking I was actually capable of hurting someone.

       "Did... did you say anything to them?" I asked.

       "Well, after finding out the truth, it was easier for me not to be mad at you," Kendra said. "So I told them that Cassidy was a very bad person who hurt a lot of people, Holden included, and tried to hurt you. They were a bit more understanding. They're more afraid that they won't be able to see you for a long time."

       "Yeah, I just really hope my trial comes soon," I said.  And I really hope I could get off. I didn't want to spend any time in prison, but better me than the true killer.

       "I think they will," Kendra said. "I was talking to Brody and since they said your trial is to find out whether or not you need to go to jail, it should come sooner rather than later, otherwise you could be waiting for months in prison when you shouldn't be serving any time at all."

       "Hopefully," I said. "How's Holden holding up?"

       "I think he's doing okay," Kendra said. "Since today was when you were supposed to take Mercy and Lucian to work with, Holden took them instead."

       My heart immediately dropped when I remembered that I was supposed to do that for them. Being in prison was going to make me miss a lot of moments with my kids.

       At least Holden was there for them. I really wanted to tell Holden the truth but I couldn't because if even one person found out, there would be a chance that the truth could get out somehow and I was not going to do this for nothing.

       "Shaw, you do know it's not too late to get the truth out," Kendra said.

       "No," I said. "No way. And you can't tell anyone the truth, okay? He can't end up behind bars so please, let me take the fall."

       "I won't tell anyone," Kendra said. "I promise. I don't want you to take the fall, but I also don't want him behind bars so the choice is up to you. But if, and it's a big if, you end up getting three years, I'll have to tell our kids the truth, okay? Just so they don't think negatively of you."

       "Kendra, trust me, as much as I would want them to know the truth, they're only kids," I said. "They might not be able to keep a secret and if I get sent down because they would only want me out of jail."

       Kendra sighed. "Yeah, you're right."

       "I'm confident that I won't be sent down for long," I said. "Brody is too, and I trust him. Josh said he's one of the best lawyers in the country and if anyone could get me off, it's him. Besides, he knew Cassidy really well. He knew what she was capable of and he can use that to our advantage."

       "I really hope so," Kendra said. "You're my best friend, Shaw. I don't know if I can handle you being away from me and our kids again."

       "I won't," I said. "I promise."



okay it's 11:44 pm and normally i stop writing at this time once i finish a chapter, but i'm usually up until two anyway so MIGHT AS WELL KEEP WRITING AHAHAHAHA.

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