Chapter 49

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Chapter 49


       I had been scouring the security footage from Fusion for a long time but I couldn't seem to find anything that could have lead to Holden being in the hospital. If someone really did drug him, whoever did it was going to regret it.

       I was really tired of people trying to get revenge of me by attacking my family. I wasn't immediately assuming that what happened to Holden was to get revenge on me but I just didn't see any other reason to why it would happen.

       My cell phone kept ringing over and over but each time, it was Viola calling and I'd rather not talk to that backstabber right now. I was still very mad at her.

       However, she just wasn't getting the message that I didn't want to talk to her. She just kept calling and calling so I had to finally pick up the stupid phone. "What do you want?" I asked.

       "Oh, how nice for you to finally pick up," Viola said.

       "Yeah, well I'm kind of busy searching for an asshole," I said. "And what was the other reason? Oh, right. You almost got a seventeen year old sent to prison because of your petty feelings. I wouldn't have covered for Julian if I thought he could handle prison."

       "Sorry, but don't you think it's fair for there to be justice?"

       I snorted. "You're in no place to preach about justice, Viola."

       "Neither are you."

       "Except I didn't say anything about justice. You did, not me. And why are you even calling?"

       "Because Dad thinks I should make things up with you?"

       "Seriously?" I asked. "So you want to make up with me only because Dad is telling you to? Not interested. You've only been thinking about yourself lately, Viola. After all the stress I've been going through, the one thing on your mind is you. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to hang up because I'm in the middle of something."

       "Searching for an asshole?" Viola asked. "What exactly did you mean by that?"

       "It's none of your business."

       "Are you at home?"

       "Yeah? Why?"

       "I'm coming over."

       "Go away."

       Viola ignored me and hung up and I knew it wouldn't be long before she came over. I looked at the front door to see that it was unlocked, but I was too lazy to get up.

       I may still be mad at Viola but at least it might help to have a second eye helping me find out whoever decided to send my husbanhd to the hospital.

       It wasn't long before the front door opened and Viola walked in. "Wow, it's really quiet in here," she said as she closed the door behind her.. "Where are the kids? Don't you have custody of them?"

       "I do, but they're staying at Kendra's this weekend," I said, keeping my eyes glued onto the laptop where the security footage was playing. "And Gibson is staying with Lawrence and Tara's until Holden gets out of the hospital so there will be two people watching over him."

       "Hospital?" Viola asked. "What happened? Is he okay?"

       "Sort of, yes," I said. "He just has to stay the weekend for monitoring. He had a drug overdose."

       "Wait a second," Viola said as she walked over to the table I was at and sat down. "So your husband, the one person you claimed can keep you away from drugs and alcohol, got hooked onto drugs."

       I looked over at her, trying my best not to glare. "Maybe you should listen to the full story instead of bashing him, yeah?"

       "Sorry," Viola said. "What is the full story?"

       "That's what I'm trying to find out on this security footage from the nightclub," I said. "Right now, the only logical explanation is someone slipping something into his drink when he went there with his cousin."

       "Are you sure that's the reason?" Viola asked. "Are you sure he didn't purposefully take something and said he didn't?"

       "Okay, if you want to stay, you can't go bashing my husband," I said. "He's an honest person and I trust him one-hundred percent. I know he wouldn't lie to me about it and even if he did, his cousin would have said something. Calvin was with Holden the whole time except for the one part where they both walked away from their drinks."

       "Alright, sorry," Viola said. "Who would want to drug him though?"

       "That's the whole reason I'm looking through the footage," I said.

       I went back to looking through it, still not having any luck. I was even feeling like giving up but I couldn't. I need to find the person who sent my husband into the hospital.

       "Shaw?" Viola said. "I'm sorry about the way I acted and believed Roman over you."

       I stopped looking at my laptop and looked back at my sister. "Why are you apologizing now of all times?"

       Viola sighed. "Because after his, uh, passing and after Julian was released from police custody, the chief called me into the police station. He showed me Roman's record and it wasn't the best. In fact, a lot of it scares me and if I was still with him and I found that out, I wouldn't know what I would do. So I'm really sorry."

       As much as I was still mad she put Roman over her own family, I couldn't stay mad at her. She was my sister and she was only blinded by love. "I guess I can find it in my heart to forgive you."

       Viola smiled. "Really?"

       "Really," I said. "Well, I'm sort of forgiving you, if that's even a thing."

       "Hey, I'll take it," Viola said as she moved her chair beside me. "Now let's find this person."

       It took a while to find the proper footage but finally, we saw Holden and Calvin sit down at the counter and ordered food and drinks. "Here we are," I said. "Calvin said that he stepped away first to talk to his husband and then Holden went to the washroom."

       "Got it," Viola said.

       I sped up the footage until they both walked away. I then put it to the normal speed and watched as someone walked up to the counter, looking back and forth before placing something in Holden's drink.

       I paused the footage to get a closer look and once I saw who it was, it was clear that my first thought was right.

       This was a way to get to me by attacking my family.

       "I've got you now," I said, feeling an amount of anger inside of me I hadn't felt in years.

       He was messing with the wrong person.


oof let dark shaw go off.

uh i mean nooooooo shaw just go to the po-po. don't do anything to said person.

sooooooo i lost half of this chapter after i saved it (because logic) and i had to quickly rewrite it again. that's fun. :/ second time this happened to turmoil smh

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