Chapter 1 Alec Torres

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2012 A.D. Present Day

            “Alec, I’m so happy to be with you. It's like a dream come true.” A girl said. She was so beautiful. Her soft white skin and blue eyes. Long silky black hair being stroked by my fingers. She was an angel. I was about to kiss her until my alarm went off. All my dreams of her feel totally real. If only she were real. Macaiah…I have been dreaming about her for the past year. We would by lying down in a meadow watching the ocean and the sun setting on the horizon.

          “Alec, are you up?” my older sister asked. My older sister is Ally. She’s twenty-seven and an elementary  school teacher.

          “Yeah I’m up…sadly” I murmured. She doesn’t know of my dreams. Of course I wouldn’t tell her, being seventeen and all, also needing privacy. But she never fails to find out.

          Every morning is the same. Wake up from a nice dream unwillingly, get ready for school, and go to hell. If only that hell hole were better. The only thing I like about the school is the art classes. My only inspiration is Macaiah. I draw her everyday even in my dreams, I would sometimes draw her the only person that knows about her and my dreams is my friend Stephen.

          “You had the dream again?” Stephen asked. See?

          “Yeah. I told you, I have the dream every night.” I reminded him. We were bother straight A students but sometimes he can be totally clueless.

          “What I know about dreams is that the people in you dreams are people you met in real life. Maybe you met her as a child or maybe you met her in a past life. The world is full of possibilities.” Stephen said. He was right. There are possibilities in the world. So maybe she is possibly…alive.

          Finally, time to go home. If school were fun then I wouldn’t mind going. I looked across the street and saw the old mansion. Still abandoned-I take that back. There’s a moving truck. Who would move in there. I get that it’s been there since 1900 but it’s too old. There’s a girl over there. I wish I could see her face. Oh well, I might see her tomorrow. I started walking home until someone stopped me.

          “Whatya say boys?” the man asked. What was he talking about?

          “He look mighty tasty. Even smells delicious. Maybe we should pig out while we can.” Another boy said. Their eyes turning blood red. What were they? Two of the men grabbed my arms to hold me still. I couldn’t break free of them. The other guy came toward me ripping the neck line of my shirt. Then he flashed his fangs at me. Fangs?!

          “Dinner time!” He said. He started towards my neck while I struggled.

          “Stop it Kaim. We didn’t come here to feed on anyone. We had to move here because of you three, I don’t plan on moving again” a girl said. It was the girl I saw from across the street. But she was also the girl in my dreams…Macaiah. She look at me with shocked eyes.

          “Alec?” she asked.

          “Macaiah?” I asked. How did she know me if I never met her in real life? Did we share the same dream or something?

          “Leave us.” She ordered.

          “Mistress Macaiah.” The guy named Kaim said.

          “Now, before I punish all of you. I won’t go easy on you like I did last time.” She said. They started walking away. Macaiah came towards me and looked at my ripped shirt. I wasn’t one bit scared of her.

          “Come with me, I’ll get you a new shirt.” She said. Macaiah grabbed my hand and lead me to her house. Once I was inside I saw how beautiful it was. It’s like the mansion was rebuilt. She lead to her room and had me sit on the bed. She left and came back in a second.

          “Here, try this on. You and Sothe are practically the same size.” She said.

          It was a black t-shirt. I put it on surprised that there was a vampire the same size as me. It’s really freaky that there are vampires in the world though.

          “I can’t believe your real. The one girl from my dream is real. The girl of my dreams.” I said taking her cheek with my hand. She put her hand on mine to keep it on her cheek. I was even happier in real life to be with her.

          “I only thought that it was a dream, but it’s not. Your really right here in front of me.” She said. She came closer to me putting her arms around my waist. I hugged her back taking in her scent. Strawberries and roses. The smell filled my nose, her beauty filled my eyes, and her heart filled mine. She was my everything.

          “Macaiah.”  A man said.

          “Sothe.” She said. That was Sothe? The tall brown haired guy who was at least three inches taller than me.

          “Who is he? A human.” He sneered.

          “This is Alec. My friend I told you about. Alec this is Sothe, the Master of the clan.” Macaiah announced. The Master?

          “I’m sorry I came in. I needed a shirt so Macaiah gave me one.” I said.

          “Mine as a matter of fact. Maybe those three should have killed you.” Sothe threatened.

          “For what?” I asked.

          “My shirt for one, trespassing for another, and being alone with Macaiah.” He said. Don’t tell me these two are…no way, no way that it’s true. She would never go out with an asshole like him.

          “He didn’t do anything.” Macaiah said. She grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

          “You leave him alone. I’m warning you Sothe. I will hurt you if I have too.” She threatened.

          “Fine, keep your human. But don’t expect me to protect him.” He said. Sothe walked out of the room.

          “Don’t worry about Master Sothe. He’s always a jerk to humans. My names Rio. One of the vampire underlings. You’ve met Macaiah and Sothe, the Master and Mistress of the clan.”Rio said. He was different than the rest. He was cool and nice. But is Macaiah really the Mistress Vampire?

          “Rio, I want you to keep an eye on Kaim and the others.” Macaiah ordered him.

          “No problem. I will get right to Mistress Macaiah. It was nice meeting you Alec.” Tido said. Rio left. He was exactly like a kid.

          “Sorry about everyone. I wish you didn’t have to see that. You must hate it here.” She said.

          “It’s cool. Mostly because of you. I never imagined you as a vampire. But your eyes. Their blue again. Do they turn red when you see blood?” I asked.

          “Yes, and when we become angry. You saw my eyes turn red when I threatened Sothe didn’t you?” she asked.

          “Yeah. I actually thought you were amazing.” I told her. She look towards me and ran to hug me. I hugged her back inhaling her scent again. She was more beautiful in real life than in our dreams. She is my angel. The only thing that’s different is that she’s a vampire. Most would be scared but not me. Even if someone was a vampire, it doesn’t change who they are. I wonder if Sothe was different before he was a vampire.

          “I love you Alec.” Macaiah said. Her head was at the nape of my neck.

          “I love you too Macaiah.” I said. I wonder if this is her first time falling in love. She’s a vampire, so she is bound to have fallen love before…right?

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