Chapter 9: Rio Alnare

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Life has been hard since I lost Claira. I never wanted to kill her. I fear that I will never fall in love again. If there is any hope, maybe god will help me. It’s hard to think about. The only family I have now is the vampire coven. They are the only friends I have. Event though I lost a friend, we still have each other. Knowing that my niece is alive is well enough for me. I always go to visit my family in Italy. They all know I’m a vampire. It was weird when they first met me. They all said that even though I’m a vampire, I’m still family. It’s because of them that I want to be a vampire and see all the generations that will come.

          Nina, my niece that was kidnapped, is now safe and ready to return home. She’s fifteen now. Hard to believe that she grew up so fast. She is so dear to me.

          “Uncle Rio, how long have you been alive?” Nina asked me.

          “A long time. I was just a little older than you when I was turned.” I said to her.

          “Mom told me that you were engaged to be married. Who was it?” she asked me.

          “Her name was Claira. She was a lovely girl. She was the same age as you when I met her. Boy was she amazing.” I said.

          “She would have been my aunt then. What happened to her? Was she sick?” she asked me. All these questions were a little personal for me. But telling Nina of her heritage would be what she wants.

          “She wasn’t ill. When I turned, I was out of control. I crave blood and had no one to help me. I saw Claira and then I…” I couldn’t say the one word that haunted me. It was too painful.

          “You killed her?” she asked. My heart was feeling broken. It was worse now than it was when I told Alec about my life. I nodded not able to say a word.

          “Uncle Rio, I know that she must be happy to see that you are well now. She is watching over our family every day. That means she is watching over you too.” Nina told me.

          “Yes she is. But I don’t think she will forgive me for what I have done to her. It was my fault that she died.” I said. I couldn’t help but not deny the truth. It was all my fault.

          “It wasn’t yours. It was the blood crazed killer that turned you. It’s his fault because if he never turned you then you would be happily in love with Claira.” She told me.     

          “Even so. I killed her. If I could, I would have turned her, but that would be too selfish of me. I wouldn’t want to do that to her.” I said.

          “I think, even if I were her, I wouldn’t care if I were a vampire or not. I would just want to be with the one I love. Wouldn’t you if she were the vampire and you were the human?” she asked me.

          “I guess you're right. If only I could see her one last time. I would give anything just to see her smile and her beautiful pale blue eyes.” I said.  

          ‘I guess you don’t have to wait.’ A girl said. I looked down and saw Claira.

          ‘It’s great to see you Rio.’ Claira said to me. Claira was beautiful now as she was back then.

          “Claira. How are you here? I thought you were dead.” I said.

          ‘ I am. God let come down so I could fulfill your wish. And so I could see my niece. You haven’t changed a bit. Your still the sweet loving guy I fell in love with. You know, when I found out you were a vampire, I was a little scared. But i would have liked it if you changed me. Then I could be with you forever.’ Claira said to me.

          “Too bad I couldn’t do that now. Ah, Nina, could you give us a minute?” I asked her.

          “Sure. Take your time.” Nina said. She went of the fountain an looked in the water.

          “I have missed you so much.” I said to Claira.

          ‘And I have missed you. But you know, there is one way for me to stay. One way god told me. It doesn’t involve much.’ She told me.

          “What is it?” I asked.

          ‘You and me. Right now, I am of flesh and blood. So you could turn me.’ She said.

          “No I couldn’t. you belong up there where you can be free.” I said to her.

          ‘But I want to be here with you. That is what I want. And I know you want me to be with you. I even heard you when you talked to Nina. So please, turn me so we can be together.’ She pleaded. I moved her hair away from her neck and moved towards it. I was scared, thinking I might kill her again. This is what she wants, so I’ll give it to her. I slowly placed my fangs into her neck and took a little blood. I let go and she was laying on the ground.

          “Claira!” I shouted. Nina came running over and saw Claira on the ground.

          “What happened?” she asked me.

          “Claira asked me to turn her and I did. I didn’t even take that much blood.” I said. Please lord; don’t let her die like the last time.

          “Uncle Rio, her face, the colors coming back. She’s not as white as she was when we saw her.” Nina said. Nina bent over and put her ear by Claira’s mouth.

          “She’s breathing. She’s alive.” Nina said. Claira started to open her eyes.

          “Rio?” she asked me.

          “Claira. Your alive.” I said in relief.

          “Yes I am. Wow, I feel great.” She said.

          “We better get you something to drink, otherwise you’ll go crazy.” I told her. I helped her up and led her the house of Nina’s parents. I looked in my suit case and took out a blood bag. I opened it for Claira and had her drink it. She was refreshed when she was done.

          “That was delicious. So this is how you feel when you feed?” she asked me

          “Yes. But now that you are a vampire, you will have to stay out of sunlight until we get you an amulet. That way you won’t be burned.” I told her. The Amulet’s are what kept us safe from sunlight. Now we are able to act like real people.

          “Okay. I’ll wait as long as I need too.” She said.

          “We’ll fly back tonight. That way we can get home before dawn. I know a friend has an amulet that she will let you borrow.” I said.

          “She?” Claira asked.

          “Yes. Mistress Macaiah. She is the leader of the vampires. Second in command.” I said.

          “Wow. I didn’t know vampires were like that.” She said.

          “She keeps us in line along with Sothe. The Master Vampire.” I said.

          “Are they nice?” she asked.

          “Yes they are. They are the best. You will feel part of the family there.” I said.

          “I can’t wait to meet them.” She told me.

          “Neither can I.” I said.

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