Chapter 7 Sothe Craido

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Macaiah is now happily with her loved one. Unlike me, I’m alone. I will now, never be with the one I love. It’s hard to believe that all these years of being by her side, she never noticed. I protected her from any danger that came and she has the guts to fall in love with the one blood line that I wish would vanish. It’s time like this that I wish I were never a vampire. But then I would never be able to see Macaiah’s smiling face. It’s Macaiah that keeps me alive. But now that I know she will never be mine, there is no choice but for me to leave. Macaiah, I pray that you will have great happiness. Goodbye.

          I went up to my room to pack my things until Micheal was sitting on my duffle bag.

          “Move Michal.” I ordered.

          “You may be the Master vampire of the house but you're not of me. Now what is going on?” Michal asked. Of course being alive for nearly four thousand years, and knowing me for fourteen hundred years, he is able to know when I’m depressed.

          “It’s nothing Michal, I’m just going away for a while. So if you don’t mind, move.” I ordered again. This time Micheal moved.

          “What am I going to tell Macaiah? That you went off to get yourself killed?” Micheal asked.

          “Mind your own damn business for once. So what if I don’t want to live anymore. I’d rather die now than have a broken heart for another hundred years.” I told him.

          “Look, I know you love Macaiah, but it doesn’t mean you should kill yourself once you loose the one you love. Maybe Macaiah is not your destined one. Maybe there is another girl our there waiting to be found by you.” Michal told me.

          “I doubt it. No girl is going to want to be in love with a blood sucking demon.” I said.

          “How do you know? Alec fell in love with a vampire, why not a girl?” Michal asked. He had a point but I didn’t want to hear anymore. I packed that last remains of my things and left. Then I looked  at Macaiah as I stepped out the door. She was smiling happily. That smile will never be seen again by me. It breaks my heart to leave her but it is the only way for me to not kill Alec. I’m sorry Macaiah.

          “Sothe?” a girl asked. I turned around and saw it was Macaiah.

          “Where are you going?” she asked me.

          “I’m going away for a while.” I told her.

          “Why?” she asked me. I could see the that she was scared.

          “It’s just time for me to go. You're not alone anymore. So you don’t need me.” I said to her. I started walking away until she grabbed my hand.

          “You don’t have to leave. If you do then I will be lonely.” She said. I couldn’t look her in the eyes without wanting to cry. So I just stood where I was. What she said made me happy but it didn’t change the fact that I would be lonely without her in my arms instead of Alec’s.

          “I’m sorry. I just can’t stay here anymore. Good-bye Macaiah. Take care of yourself.” I said. I threw her hand off and started walking again. There was only one last thing I heard from her mouth.

          “I’m sorry.” She whispered. I knew what she was sorry for and I couldn’t help but start to cry. I started running. Running faster than I ever had just to get away. But no matter how far I ran, it wasn’t far enough. I suddenly fell. I couldn’t believe I ran from Macaiah like that. I screamed to the top of my lungs to let out the anger I was feeling.

          “Why did you leave her?” A man asked. I looked up and saw Alec.

          “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked.

          “Looking for you. Macaiah was crying, she told me you left. At least I finally found you.” He said to me.  He held his hand out towards me. I looked at it and smacked it away from my face.

          “I don’t need your god damn help. I left because Macaiah doesn’t need me anymore now that she has you.” I said.

          “Man you are slow, even for a vampire. Didn’t you notice she was crying for you?” he asked me.

          “What do you mean?” I asked.

          “She was crying because you weren’t where she was. She is used to having you by her side. She loves you Sothe.” He told me. How can she be in love with me when she only thinks of me as a Blood Brother?

          “She has been in love with you, but she was also in love with me. She loves us both. You were always there for her while I have only been there for only half a year. Do you think she deserves to have us both around?” He asked me. He was right. I was always there for her when she was hurt and I don’t want to leave her alone.

          “So will you come back and be with Macaiah?” He asked me holding out his hand to me. I grabbed his hand this time. He took us back to the house and I saw Macaiah sitting on the step in the rain. She was soaking wet just as Alec and I were. She looked up and saw me. She started running to me and embraced me with all she had. I embraced her just as she did me. I inhaled her scent and I was happy to be holding her. She was the most important person to me ever. I was holding the one person I was in love with and I didn’t want to let her go.

          “How about we head inside before we catch colds.” Alec said.

          “Only you are the one who can catch a cold Alec.” Macaiah said. We laughed and went inside. Michal smiled, happy to see that I had come home. Honestly I was happy too. I was able to stay by Macaiah’s side.

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