Jeon Jungkook - @LilKookie
• a young gamer
• 13 million subscribers
• best friends with jimin and jin
•has a crush taePark Jimin - @MochiChimChim
• a young vloger / model
• 10 million subscribers
•best friends with jungkook, jin and hoeseok
•has a crush on sugaKim Taehyung - @KingTae
• a popular model
• 20 million followers
• best friends with yoongi and namjoon and hoseokKim Namjoon - @RapPrince
•father is a ceo
• 15 million followers
•best friends with yoongi and taehyungJung hoseok - @DanceHobi
• a big dancer / sometimes does photo shoots with taehyung
• 11 million subscribers
•best friends with taehyung, jimin and yoongiMin Yoongi - @SleepySuga
•music producer and rapper
•13 million subscribers
•best friends with teahyung, hoeseok and namjoonKim Seokjin - @eatjin
•popular vlogger
• 9 million subscribers
•best friends with jungkook and jimin

<BTS> Instagram Love Stories
Hayran KurguWhere 2 vlogers and 1 gamer fall in love with a music producer, model and just a rich dude Yoomin Taekook Namjin And hoseok being one hella good 3rd wheel Also this is on Instagram but jin, jimin, jungkook and suga are on YouTube