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Carrie's POV

That kiss was amazing, I've never kissed a boy before, like ever it was amazing his lips were so soft and that's all I could think about during Art Class, then Nafia started talking and popped my bubble of wonderland.

Nafia: so you got the hots for my brother?

Carrie: 'hots'?

Nafia: damn girl, you really are white


Carrie: ugh no I'm not, I giggled

Nafia: so do you?

Carrie: yea a little bit, so what about you anyone special?

Nafia: maybe, but it doesn't really matter I don't think he's into me

Carrie: who is it?

Nafia: look I know you my brothers girl and everything but if you tell anybody what I am about to tell you, you might end up on the news. *clears throat* okay it's Jaden.

Carrie: ohh I knew it, wait but I thought you guys were dating already.

Nafia: it seems like it right, to me sometimes I swear we in a relationship, he don't want me talking to other guys, other guys can't look or talk to me, but he's never asked me out, and I'm pretty sure he's just playing with me,but enough about me let's talk about you.

Carrie: um ok, what about me

Nafia: who do you live with?

Carrie: my dad

Nafia: where's your mom?

Carrie: she moved away, because my mom and dad weren't getting along.

Nafia: wow, my life is the complete opposite.

Carrie's POV

I know I lied, but what was I supposed to do? She asked me questions and we talked during the whole class. I didn't do anything, but my art teacher doesn't really care about teaching, I personally think it's the kids, well now including me, talking she just gives up trying. The bell rung and me and Nafia were the first ones into the hallway.

Nafia: well I guess this is where we stop

Carrie: yeap

Nafia: here take my number down, if you want to hang, if you're in trouble, anything.

Carrie: k *putting the number into phone*, ok I'm finished bye.

Nafia: later.


I know this was really short

but, I've had finals all this

week so I had no time my

last day of school is this

Monday so after Monday

are thick long chapters

- Msftkay_

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