Christopher Green

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Carrie's POV

We walked into Algebra hand in hand and people stared because we were kinda late I hate when eyes are on me I can't take it, I looked around the room to see Steph and Tiffany staring at me with Chris, Holy Crap! I quickly let go of his hand and walked to my seat he sat next to me and we were right behind steph and Tiffany.

Chris: what's wrong

Carrie:nothing, it's just we're sitting right behind my ex and I haven't seen her since we broke up, well she broke up with me.

Chris: wait "she" as in female, a body with boobs and a vag.

Carrie: yea *giggling*

Chris: so what happened exactly if you don't mind me asking.

Carrie: well to cut a long sytory short, I'm a suicidal cunt, who doesn't deserve love, I'm ugly and awkward an--

Chris: *interrupting* and I love everything about you

Carrie: but you don't even know me

Chris: so get to know me then, I know I seem like a southern, dumb, sexy nigga. But I'm way more than that.

Carrie: but Chris I'm gay, I like girls

Chris: shiiitttt, but I bet I make you straight, give me one night that's all I need

Carrie: *blushing* omg

Steph's POV

What the hell, she's straight now she can't be, and with him, he's so freaking cute why does he want her, no offse I mean I know me and her were together but now I know that a mistake was made what does he see in her, what did I used to see in her.


Tiffany reached for my hand under the table and held it, class had begun but no one ever listens to Mr. Liu his weak ass, always talking about somebody failing. Tiffany leaned close and pig her arm around me.

Tiffany: you okay babe

Steph: yea I'm fine

Tiffany: do you hear this bullshit behind us

Steph: yea and it's really pissing me off

Tiffany: why are you jealous

Steph: fuck you

Tiffany: I'm kidding okay

Steph: *silent*

Tiffany: oh now your mad at me Awww poor baby

Steph's POV

The teacher was writing on the board and kids were sleeping, almost asleep, or on their phones nobody was paying attention. Am I jealous, why would I have to be jealous it's the shit like this that makes me not like Tiffany, I'm not in the mood to talk to her.


After briefly ignoring her, she tried to get my attention, I could her hands roaming up and down my thighs getting closer and closer to my inner thigh, but before anything got to serious I moved her hand. She gave up for 2 mins then went back at it. She started kissing me continuously all over my face and lips. Mr. Liu turned around in the middle of the action.

Liu: uhh, Tiffany I don't think kissing is gonna be on your regents.

Tiffany: sorry Mr. Liu, I just really love my girlfriend. (Standing)

Steph: would you sit your ass down

Tiffany: why babe I'm confessing my love for you is that wrong *sitting*

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