I know I'll eventually have to go back
I can't decide which is worst, being around my mom all day or having to face people my age
I've gots friends but I've never really had best friends
My best friends have all left, ones got a boyfriend and no longer needs me and the other moved away
I'm not scared of school even though that's what everyone thinks
I just don't have time for stupid people
And I know that sounds rude and most people see me as an idiot and maybe I am
But I'm so sick of all the small town drama I could choke
I've never understood the praising of people for their money or how rude they can be
But maybe one day I will
It's like none of them realize that their in school like none of this will matter one day it's like they think they'll be football players, cheerleaders, and top of the class forever
None of them realize there's a life after
And I just can't stand them
But maybe I'm the problem and I'm not even being sarcastic I could very well be a big problem in most people life
So idk maybe it's not them maybe it's me