I remember the day you killed yourself
I woke up like I did every day
Then I seen it
It was all over social media
I knew it was you and before anyone else knew I knew you had killed yourself
I remember my parents asking what I thought happened
I told them I knew you had killed yourself
They were confused cause no one had said anything yet
And no one was sure what had really happened
But I knew
You were the first person that I personally knew to ever succeed in suicide
I remember being angry
I was mad at the world
I was mad at your closest friends
I remember thinking though maybe this is what it'll take for them all to change
Your funeral was the worst day of my life
I watched the girl who had broke your heart
Put on a show for everyone and act as if she hadn't pushed you here
I watched your best friends little sister cry her heart out cause she just wanted you back
I seen your mother stare at her sons body
They gave speeches about how nice you were and how much you helped everyone
Why did you always help people
They were never helping you
I knew you were broke and I knew I was too
So I never tried to help you
I'm sorry I didn't
I know nothing matters anymore
Because you left and all I have now is a tombstone with a picture of you on it and a shirt with a bible verse and the time you were alive
I can't bring you back
I know it
I just wished I would've helped you
Your mom always tells me that you were an example of what happens when people are bullied or just hurt
But those same people who hurt you are still doing it
Our friends laughed because I cried over you
I know you were hurt but
What did you die for