Log 1

52 12 1

Hours since launch: 3

Day of travel: 1

Someone told me it would be a good idea to keep a "diary" while travelling through space just in case something happened, so that one day in the future someone (or something, it could be an alien) might find it and know what happened to us. If anything happens because I'm hoping nothing does.

Of course, this isn't really a diary. I'm typing this on a computer, not writing in a book like the lovesick girls in movies do. I'm going to think of this more as a journal of the events here on the starship One. Maybe that's the same thing, I don't really care. 

Anyway, we've transferred from our capsule onto One and are now two hours into day one of space travel. There are eight of us on board, myself included. We're heading out into literally nothing, a desperate attempt to find another planet like Earth in our galaxy. There's nothing of the sort orbiting our neigbouring stars so scientists have had to look further away. Six years ago, they decided that they would send a group of people out to look further. They knew that a voyage that far into space would take an incredibly long time, longer than the crew's lifespan.

So they had two options.

1. They could ensure that the crew would have children that would grow up to have more children to carry on the maintaining of the ship until they found something and hope the ship wouldn't overcrowd.


2. Increase the speed at which the ship travelled so that time dilation kept the crew from aging and hope that someone on Earth would still remember them when they returned. If Earth still existed then.

They chose option 2 and began training a group of candidates, only selecting eight out of the thirty or so for the mission. We trained in that smaller group for another year, to get used to working with each other and the starship. We didn't actually get to go inside it until today, our training with it was all done using virtual reality.

And now here we are, about to travel further than any human has ever travelled before. Further than any Earthen object has ever travelled before. 

I am so excited right now, more excited than I was when I was accepted for astronaut training and then this mission combined! I'm literally about to burst, I never knew anyone could ever be this excited. Wow! I've never used the word "excited" so many times before! Or this many exclamation marks in one paragraph!

Yeah, I know I'm a bit of a nerd. But you know what? I don't care because that's what's gotten me to this point. Well, that and a few other tragic events. Besides, there's nothing wrong with being a nerd. Aren't we all a bit nerdy in some aspect?

Haha, look at me teaching my diary-that's-not-a-diary life lessons! Does that make me weird? Even though you can't answer me dear diary-not-diary, I'm going to tell you not to answer that.

Someone's calling me now, gotta go.

- C Velour :)

A/N: Welcome to space! I've been working on this story for a while as a side project and I've finally reached a point where I'm happy with where it's going so I've decided to publish it! Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter/log and I'll be putting the next four parts up in a minute so you can read a bit more of this. The story should be completed pretty soon because it's only short.

Also, please press the star to vote if you've liked One so far :)

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