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Tam heard someone's footsteps going downstairs, so she think it's Chari's brother already. She stood up and fixed herself. But she never expected and never imagined who she saw just right now. She blinked her eyes many times, the first time she glanced at the person coming she thought he's just a look a like but when the guy is finally getting closer to her, she confirmed to herself that It's CHANYEOL!for god's sake its really him. Is she dreaming, is she sleeping ryt now?Is she still in the plane or in the van? She pinched and pricked herself.That was painful, she exclaimed aww for her own doings. This is real shes not dreaming! She thought she might be in a wrong house.

"Why I'm in Park Chanyeol's house?" to herself.

Chanyeol's Pov~

While going downstairs, I saw Tam, my sisters friend who stood up and fixed herself. Hmm shes pretty,tall and has a very black and shiny hair, I thought to himself. I noticed that the girl seems like she's not believing what she's staring at. While looking at me, she blinked many times and shes hurting herself.

Could it be possible that she doesnt know where she's at, whom she's staying with and who exactly is chari's brother? I slightly grinned while looking at the girl,because its really obvious that she's not believing what she's seeing ryt now. Well he can't blame her, I am really handsome in person.

Chanyeol: Hi there. Are u ok? Seems like ur uncomfortable? Btw, I'm Chanyeol. (extended his arm for handshake)

Tam: uh, uhmm eh.. Yes. I might be in the wrong house. I mean u really are Chanyeol of exo right?
(accepted chanyeol's handshake shyly)

Chanyeol: I believe? (grinning)

Tam: Uhm, let me call my friend, im sorry for the disturbance, but its really great meeting u in person. Im ur fan,actually ur group's fan.

Chanyeol:well thank u so much. Would u like to take a selfie with me since ur here already?

Tam: really, its ok? I mean i dont want to invade ur privacy. I would be very happy to do that. (blushing)

Chanyeol: Sure, come here. Ill use my phone.

They took a selfie on chans and tams phone.

Chanyeol:Let me send this to my sister.

While tam is very busy scanning the pictures.

Chari called Chanyeol. He sent their photo and Cahri called ryt away. He turned the loudspeaker on.

Chari: Channie, give the phone to Tam.

Tam heard it, and she just cant believe its really chari. her eyes widened.Chanyeol handed her the phone.

Tam: Chari is this really u?

Chari:Hahaha, yes ofcurs who else? I see u have already met my baby brother.

Chan just smirked when he heard it.

Tam: why chari? how could u betray me? Why u didnt u tell me that Chanyeol is ur f*cking brother? I wasnt prepared by this Chari, im so embarassed now. Im so haggard, we met like this. And u know how much I love them. Exo is almost a hand if u just told me this before.huhuhuhu

Chanyeol, was just laughing while listening to their conversation, she looks cute while blabbering.

Chari: (laughing loudly on the other line) Hahahahaha, I dont have really any plan before telling u. I want to surprise u when u got there hahaha. I can imagine ur face now tammmy! Well enjoy ur stay with exo. gotta go! Channie (shouted) thanku. pls take care of her. love u both!

Then the call ended. She suddenly felt awkward and really shy now, who wouldn't? Chanyeol is in f*cking front of her. Gourgeously sitting on the couch with crossed legs. He is so perfect!She handed back the phone.

Chanyeol: U see, my sister is really evil. But there's no need for u to worry. Just feel at home. The rest of the boys are already aware and i must say they're all excited to meet u tonyt. And just a little rule here, everything thats here will remain here inside .ok?

Tam: Yes noted that. Thank u so much, i promise u, u won't feel that someone else is here. hihihi

chanyeol: hmm.. well, we are not always here anyway, since we're preparing for our comeback. I hope u will not expose this on the internet.

Tam:no way! i wont ofcourse.

Chanyeol stood up, she slightly looked up at him. She's tall,not an average filipina height. but He is like a tower in front of her, standing perfectly. She guess she will really enjoy here, she wont feel homesick at all. (laughing devilishly)

Chanyeol: So i guess ur tired and sleepy. So ill show u ur room. Come,let me help you.

He helped u,but jokingly just getting ur small bag and ur miniature bldg. U thought he would help u carry ur luggage since its heavy.

Chanyeol:hahah just kidding. Ill carry ur luggage. Ur an architect ryt?

he asked u while going upstairs, u r really shy to talk ryt now.

Tam: Ahm yes, kinda hehehe.

chan: Ur really skilled. Ur the one who made that ryt? (pointing to the miniature bldg)

Tam: ahm yes, thanku.

chan: and ive noticed ur good at speaking our language. r u like a half korean maybe?

tam: I'll accept that as a compliment,but not actually im a pure Filipino. i enrolled a korean class in our country and studied ur language for 6mos and as well Chari taught me when she's there.

chan:hmm interesting, i cannot sense any accent while u talk. I shall say ur korean teacher is exceptional. but why did u studied korean,out of curiousity only.

tam: ahm, mostly of our clients are Korean nationals so its really a must to learn ur language,its a bit more comfortable and easier to communicate with them using ur language.And must say a plus as well.😊

Chan:hmm i see.

Finally u arrived at the front door of ur room for the next few days. That walk seems like a long walk. Talking with chanyeol didn't even came in your wildest dream. She thought what did i done in my past life that I was rewarded by this.
He opened the door and u entered both inside the room. He put ur luggage in the side area.

Chanyeol: So, this is ur room. Unfortunately it doesn't have its own bathroom, u need to go outside first.

Tam:no, this is perfect and no worries. Im already grateful that u let me stay here. Id be that shameless if ill ask more. (u bowed at him) Kamsahamnida! Promise ill behave.

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