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Chanyeol's Pov

Today is Tam's flight going back to Philippines. I secretly followed them at the airport. I am here hiding and watching her leave. I contented myself watching her from afar. After she woke up and we discovered that she had a temporary amnesia, I've been drinking myself out, unable to attend our rehearsals. I was scolded by our manager and Suho because every time we had practice I am not myself. Last night when she approached and talked to me I was very happy. When she said that her heart beats fast every time I'm near, I thought that it's not yet the end but I just have to wait even if we will be hundred miles away already. I promised that after our world tour I'll follow her in the Philippines and even if she still can't remember me, I'll pursue and court her.
After 1 month

Tam's Pov

I kept on dreaming about the tall guy and a baby crying, and every time I wake up I cried a lot. There's someone that I miss so much but I cannot remember if who it is. I was advised to rest for a month and next week I'll start working again. I stood up from bed and walked outside, we have decided to go to the beach today.

At the Beach

I am just busy reading a novel and watching my sister and parents enjoying the waves.

"C'mon Ate, the sea is so beautiful." it's Tam Ara Alyssa my sister, inviting me to swim.

I followed them in the beach. We were enjoying swimming when suddenly I felt cramps on my left foot. I tried to swim going back to the shore and screamed for help because Alyssa and mom where preparing now our lunch. I have drank many sea water already then I fainted.

"Someone is drowning!!" the last thing I heard then everything went black.

"I love you Tamia Alexia" He whispered in my ear and kissed me. I always love his deep voice. I turned my head and saw Chanyeol's smiling face.

Everything flashbacks in my mind. The first time I went to Seoul and met him. I remember everything now, I remember now the man I always miss, It's Chanyeol.

"Tamia wake up! Please huhuhu" I heard mom screamed.

I opened my eyes and vomited the sea water I drank earlier. I coughed and sat down on the shore. My parents and Alyssa hugged me.

"My God Tamia. Please don't ever do that again, we cannot afford losing you." It's dad.

"I'm sorry for worrying you." I hugged them back.

They escorted me going back to our cottage. Aly handed me a towel and water.

"Mom Dad, I remember everything now." I widely smiled at them. But I did not see them happy.

"Really Tam?" Mom
"That's great!" Dad but I cannot hear any happiness.
"But why you seem not to like it?" me
"Of course not Tami, we are so happy that your memory came back." mom
"It's just that, there's something you need to know, And we want you to be brave." Dad
"Can you please tell me now?" me

Mom and dad exchanged stares and my sister just silent in the corner.

"You were five weeks... pregnant but you lost the baby when you had an accident." Those words seemed not to absorbed. Seems like it's a foreign word that I don't understand. I did not know tears already streaming down.

"What? I was pregnant and the baby died? And no one dared to let me know." I was more than shocked and I want to shout because I'm angry, mad because no one told me, hurt because I lost my baby. I cried, I want to shout. I cannot understand what I feel. Knowing that there's a small life in my womb and I lost it, I want to just die as well.

"Tam we know this is very hard on your part. We decided not to tell you while you are still in amnesia because we're afraid if what will be the effect this to you, we were told by your doctor that it's risky to tell you that while you cannot remember things yet, it may cause you to be in coma again." my mom is crying now as well.

I did not respond but I just cried and cried. I know that they are just thinking of my safety but it's too much. We are talking about my child and I was not able to mourn. It's like they stole my rights being a mother.

We left to go home. No one dared to talk. I was just silent at the backseat and still sobbing. We reached home.

"Tam, We know that you are still mad and you wanted to be alone. We understand, but please know that we love you so much and it also pain us because the baby is our grandchild as well. If you are hurting, we are also. It pain us seeing you like this." Mom

"Just give me time mom dad" then I entered my room and locked the door.

The moment I closed it, I break down and cried again.

"Baby I'm really sorry to what happened to you. It's mom's fault, I wasn't careful, I did not know that you were there already. I love you so much baby." I'm crying while touching my tummy.

I did not know I fell asleep when my phone rang. It's Chari, she never fail to check on me everyday. I answered the phone.

"Chari?" It's almost a whisper.

"I know you are crying. Why? What happened?" her

"Chari huhuhuhu I remember everything now and I already knew what happened to my baby." Me

Chari did not respond.

"Tami. I hope you understand why we did not tell you about it, we are afraid you'll be in coma again." her

"Yeah, they told me that but I feel like I abandoned my child because I wasn't able to mourn. If feels like someone stole my rights being a mother." me

"I know I know. And I understand if you are mad at us now. We cannot afford to see you on that same bed and sleeping like a dead vegetable." she explained

"I know I'm being selfish but it really hurts." me

"No. please don't think like that, We totally understand you. Just give yourself time to heal. Ok?" her

"Hmm thank you Chari.." me

"Ahm chari.. uhmm" I don't know how to ask if where is he

"What? Are you asking about my brother?" I blushed because she knew me very well.


"Hahahaha, you never changed Tami. Well Chanyeol and his group is currently on their world tour. You just don't know how he suffered tam, his always drunk when we discovered that you had amnesia and you cannot remember him." her

"hmp, but he have Pamela right?"me

"Their dating rumor is just for show. My brother just helped Pam." her

"What? I don't understand."me

"It's better that he'll be the one to explain. I can imagine how happy will Chanyeol be once I tell him that you got your memories back." her

"Don't you think, he still loves me?" me

"Of course, We saw how devastated and lifeless he was. He almost killed himself knowing you had a baby, he blamed himself Tam. I know that he is a jerk but I know that he is true towards you Tam." her

"Hmmm" I just blushed.

We ended our call then I fell asleep again.

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